At Least 36 Dead in Manila After Casino Attack

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2017

It’s very strange, this new wave of terrorism in the Philippines.

I spent a lot of time in the country during the 00s. I have been to all the Moslem areas in Mindanao and Sulu where Whites – usually missionaries – would get kidnapped once or twice a year. Whatever, I was young and hot-blooded and it was exciting riding a motorcycle through a low-intensity war zone with a Filipino made 5-shot .38 revolver that had at least a 97% chance of firing at any time.

Note: Fun video about Filipino knock-off gun factories, which I imagine you gun guys will find interesting.

What I can say is that at that time, there was not really all that much going on. Every once in a while, as I say, some missionaries would get kidnapped, and every once in a while, some Moslems would shoot at the military or cops and then run up into the jungle. I never saw any trouble, at all. Only ever pulled my gun out to impress women.

Now, they are experiencing a full-on ISIS war.

After Duterte was elected. And announced a break from the US and an alliance with Russia and China.

Where is the money coming from?

Who is organizing this?

Even in the Philippines, organizing a large scale attack on an elite foreigner hotel and casino is a pretty big deal. A lot bigger deal that the suicide bombings that occasionally happened in Manila in the 90s. In fact, this is the most efficient and well-organized attack in the history of the country.

Interesting, no?


At least 36 bodies were found in the Resort World Manila leisure complex after gunman started a fire there, causing mass suffocation, Metropolitan Manila police chief Oscar Albayalde said. Philippines police are treating the attack as a botched robbery.

Most of the victims are believed to have suffocated in the smoke, which filled the building after the unidentified gunman used a canister of gasoline to start fire at the casino earlier on Thursday night. The gunman, armed with an assault rifle, was probably trying to steal casino chips, Philippines police chief Ronald dela Rosa told media.

The attacker has reportedly been described as a tall, English-speaking man with a pale complexion.

The police chief said that the suspected gunman was later found dead in a hotel room after apparently committing suicide.

“He burned himself inside the hotel room 510 … He lay down on the bed, covered himself in a thick blanket and apparently doused himself in gasoline,” dela Rosa said.

Meanwhile, the resort’s owner, Travellers International Hotel Group, Inc. said in a statement that “we have been informed of several casualties, the number and identities of whom have yet to be determined.”

Panic quickly spread when the man, armed with a rifle, entered the casino, with reports describing a stampede and people jumping out of windows. More than 50 people were reportedly treated in hospitals for various injuries and smoke inhalation.

With an Islamist insurgency flaring in the Philippine city of Marawi, the initial assumption of both visitors and the media was a jihadist attack. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants were also quick to claim responsibility.

However, police quickly refuted the claim by suggesting the incident was a botched robbery, telling the residents “not to panic.”

Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella has ruled out a link between the casino attack and the ongoing operation against Islamist militants occupying several neighborhoods of Marawi, who are seeking recognition from Islamic State.

“All indications point to a criminal act by an apparently emotionally disturbed individual. Although the perpetrator gave warning shots, there apparently was no indication that he wanted to do harm or shoot anyone. The 34 deceased all died by suffocation,” Abella said, referring to an earlier death toll.

Yeah, I think this is nonsense.

The authorities are afraid to admit that they didn’t stop a terrorist attack on a tourist spot in the center of Manila, as this would seriously damage tourism. I’m sure right now, foreigners are fleeing the city. And they’re trying to keep that to a minimum. The Philippines is an extremely unproductive country. It’s nearly Black Africa-tier poor. They don’t have much tourism, because it is so unsafe and unorganized compared to Thailand, and the beaches and hookers are comparable (though the gambling is certainly a lot better). Thailand is actually generally a lot cheaper, since it isn’t an island and is able to import goods from China easier, and also has less corruption and a more organized economy.

If this was a pale-skinned guy speaking English, then that is especially weird.

It makes it look like they are importing Arabs. Basically, what is going on in Marawi is a lot more complicated than anything the native terrorist groups in the Philippines would be able to plan.

I think there are imported Arabs there running that.

Anyway, I’m not going to say it’s impossible this was like, some crazy white guy who wanted casino chips. But it seems very unlikely, especially given the timing.