Daily Stormer
February 15, 2014

Coming out of the UK, we have yet another report of insane liberal parents raising their child “gender neutral”.
If we look at the explanations given by the parents, we can see the typical hatred of biological fact displayed by so many on the Left. According to the boy’s mother:
If Max wants to wear a pink tutu and fairy wings, then he can wear it…He’s just expressing himself. I don’t want to put him in a certain box and treat him that way. I want to teach him to be whatever he wants to be.
This is the central lie of liberalism: that anyone can be whatever he wants. This is simply not the case, as both common sense and the study of biology clearly show. The distinction between male and female is the most fundamental one in all animal life. Every species above the very lowest level has this division, and the survival of the species depends on the proper harmony between the two halves. It is no wonder that as gender roles are abolished, a race’s birth rate falls below replacement level and heads towards extinction. Females are capable of bearing children, males are capable of defending females when in the vulnerable states of pregnancy and child birth. We must recognize this fact in order to survive.
Furthermore, it is absurd to suggest that an infant boy’s upbringing should be determined by what he desires, as if his spontaneous choices are always in his best interest. We don’t allow children to chose their own diets, their own bedtimes, or their own activities. Infants can’t safely walk themselves across the street, let alone make choices about their future gender roles.