I have been three days in the place where our Western Civilization was birthed, and it is plain that this is where it has finally died. The traditions that began with Homer and Hesiod, Socrates and Plato, long ago succumbed to utter decay, having been altered so fundamentally that they could no longer be said to contain a remnant of what they once were. Here, the materialism which had filled the void left in the soul of the Western man has been stripped, and there is nothing left for the people to fall back on. Athens, Greece, is the end of the line for the Western man. Three-thousand years of momentum can no longer keep us moving. The show has ended.
In Weimar Athens, a majority of shops have closed down, people are living on the streets while half of the buildings are empty, everything is covered in graffiti. Black and brown immigrants line the streets, always screaming and staring menacingly at the White population, if they are not attempting to sell everything from childrens toys to hard drugs; they suck the last life out of the people, vultures picking the bones of a corpse. There is a thick air of defeat and hopelessness, as the entire populace appears to understand that the old world is gone, and it isn’t coming back. There are no Greek children to be seen. The dichotomy between the ancient nature of the city and the high scale post-modern death is jarring.
Soon the rest of the West will look like Greece. The Jew claims that we all owe him, and it is simply a matter of time before he decides to come and collect. We have sold him our souls for a bag of gold, and the gold is gone.
There is no point at which any of this can possibly be redeemed. The Jew-created materialist system of decay which began with the Industrial Revolution, and was given immeasurable power after its victory against the German Reich in the last great war, has reached its final and inevitable conclusion: the end of the White Race.
But there is hope.
Where this death has taken hold, there is also a seed of possible rebirth – for the phoenix of the Western Man to rise up from the ashes, to restore the order of nature which has been so brutally defiled by that most devious of aliens. The Golden Dawn is rising. Now the third largest political party in Greece, the population appears to be prepared to surrender control of the society to men strong enough to deal with these problems.
Talk of revolution is in the air.
If authoritarian socialism takes Greece, proving that these ideas of ours are absolutely as powerful as we have claimed, it will become the de facto solution for all nations of the Western world. If as deep as this nation is, they are able to pull it up to a greatness it has not seen since the classical age – which I am certain the Golden Dawn is well capable of doing – the mask will be pulled off, and the Jews and lunatic traitors who control and feed off of us will be seen for what they truly are. It will truly be a Golden Dawn, as the traditions of our people – those of honor, family, spirituality, high culture, nation and race – will once again assert themselves as our dominant values, the defining marks of our existence.
Victory means that we shall be born again. The dark races will be shaken off like insects, and we will rise, gloriously.
At this most crucial of points, when our race is on the brink of extinction, it is from the same bloodline that birthed our civilization that the our only possible salvation has manifest itself. Athens is the ground upon which the final battle for the existence of our race is being waged. As goes Greece, so shall go Europe, so shall go America. It is all or nothing.
This is our last stand. Praise God I am here to witness it.
Hail Victory.
The rest of the pictures. Because we are running short on resources around here.
(You can view them all on one page here.)
The money to fund this trip is in a continual process of being figured out. Help out, if you can. Every little bit helps. There is a button on the right, and my PayPal email is totalfascism@gmail.com.
Forgive me for missing the Friday wrap-up. Had a lot going on, and had quite a bit of internet difficulties. It will return next week. Expect more commentary on the Greek situation later this week.