Athens: Two Syrian Hajis Beat Up Priest Outside Church

Don’t let these two bad apples sour your opinion of Moslems.

Most Moslems in Europe respect the priesthood and support Christendom.

This is an isolated incident.

Voice of Europe:

A priest has been beaten up by two Syrians in Athens, Greek newspaper Proto Thema reports.

According to the newspaper, the incident took place outside the Sanctuary of St. Nicholas in Patisia, Athens.

When the priest was going to the Sanctuary he noticed that one motorcycle was illegally parked in the garden of the temple. After the priest complained to the Syrian owners about that, both the perpetrators started to punch him.

As a result of the sudden attack the priest was injured. Until now the Greek police have arrested one suspect.

During the fight, the migrants started throwing tables and bottles of beer at each other, with Greeks and tourists witnessing the scene caught up in the melee and beaten as well.