G20 Not a Total Waste, Trump Had a Chat with Putin After He Said He Wouldn’t

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2018

These two are inseparable!

I kid.

But despite the media’s best attempts to force Trump into some sort of cage match with Putin and Russia, it seems that the two of them get along better than most world leaders.


Despite canceling an expected meeting with Vladimir Putin in Argentina, his American counterpart Donald Trump had a brief conversation with him that lasted 10 to 15 minutes, a senior Russian official has claimed.

Putin already claimed that they had a chat about the Kerch incident and politely agreed to disagree.

Trump and Putin were supposed to hold bilateral talks on the sidelines of the G20 summit in the Argentinian capital last weekend, but the American president canceled it last minute, citing an earlier incident in the Black Sea involving Ukrainian and Russian military ships. Still, the two leaders had a brief encounter during the event, and it was not initiated by Putin, according to Yury Ushakov, the aide to the Russian president on foreign affairs.

“Trump approached our president during a gathering and they had a conversation. Our president has already spoken about it,” the official said.

He added that Putin explained to Trump Russia’s stance on what had happened between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait, with Trump “hearing out our arguments.” 


Honestly, these long meetings don’t seem to ever accomplish much. These short chats are more effective anyway. Keep in mind that they have to be short and to the point because of the translator obstacle.

Trump: “Yo, so what happened in Kerch?”

Putin: “Man, it was nothing, everybody needs to chill out.”

Trump: “A-ite, word. I feel you, dawg.”

Boom. What more can be said? Why do we need to have these gay conferences all the time? Trump – proving his everyman credentials once again – couldn’t wait to get out of there.

I feel you, Mr. President.

Hanging out with Globalist bug-people nonstop at all of these conferences in shithole countries like Argentina *shudder* must be very tiresome and boring.

The best strategy going forward is just to stop going to these vanity summits.

They’re basically the elites’ version of brunch with friends, subsidized by the state in the name of what, exactly? International cooperation?

Yeah right. It looks and feels like a high school clique Lord of the Flies thing.

Poor Trudeau

These people need to grow up and stop throwing these high school bashes in their fifties and sixties. Even the group photo where everyone shuffles around and tries to get the best spot… like what even is that?

The whole thing is embarrassing AF and needs to stop sooner rather than later.