Attack in Nice: Clash of Civilizations

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2016

Black Pigeon Speaks!

Also a note for those complaining about me posting about this guy because he doesn’t talk about Jews – tell me, does he signal against discussion of Jews? Or does he just not mention them? It is, of course, impossible to mention Jews and remain on YouTube, PayPal, Patreon, etc., and I am totally failing to see how materials which don’t mention the Jews, and yet do not do anything to suppress discussion of the Jews, help the Jews.

The reason that people like Paul Joseph Watson and Gavin McInnes are a problem is not because they don’t talk about Jews, it is because they actively attempt to cover-up the Jews, to claim it’s not the Jews, to claim people talking about the Jews are paranoid. BP doesn’t ever do this. He just makes highly produced videos which appeal to the normies, pushing a far-right agenda while staying within the boundaries of what is acceptable on mainstream platforms.

I saw someone mention that David Duke gets away with talking about the Jews on YouTube so BP could too. This isn’t really comparable.


  • David Duke didn’t get 100,000 subscribers in six months.
  • David Duke is on YouTube, but he doesn’t rely on PayPal and Patreon for funding.
  • David Duke is a public, world famous figure, making it much harder to shut him down than to shut down an anonymous person who can’t really defend himself in any way.
  • David Duke has himself repeatedly gotten warnings that he will be shut down on YouTube and had to organize to fight it.

Also note that even David Duke doesn’t say “Jew” on YouTube, just “Zio”-whatever.

I never thought I would be in a position to defend someone not talking about the Jews, because as you know, I’m always the one doing the opposite of that. However, I think these BP videos are super-great, and I share them here not because they are really teaching you anything new (in all likelihood), but because they are highly produced and enjoyable to watch, and also great for spreading, sharing with the normies.

There is no need to be so negative about absolutely everything, people.