Attacked in Your Own Home by Blacks: One White Woman’s Terrifying Ordeal

The Denver Channel
March 16, 2014

The woman who did not want her face shown, told of how she escaped the Black attack by locking herself in the restroom of her house.

Denver Police have issued a crime alert after two separate attacks just blocks apart within a week.

According to the alert, the first crime happened around 8 p.m. on March 6 in the area of 10225 E. Girard Ave.

The woman, who didn’t want to be identified, told 7NEWS reporter Molly Hendrickson, she walked out of her apartment and saw two black men — one had a knife — at the bottom of the stairwell.

“We made eye contact and they rushed up. By the time I got to the door, one of them already had their foot in the entrance door,” the victim said.

The victim said she dialed 911 as she fought to close her door. She knew she wasn’t just fighting for her life, she was fighting for her unborn baby’s too.

“We were forcing the entrance door back and forth for a good ten seconds. They kept pushing the door back so I knew I wasn’t going to hold it, so that’s why I ran to the restroom,” the victim said.

The restroom was the only room in the apartment with a locking door. The woman said the men continued to bang on the door, trying to break it down. The door frame now has deep marks where they tried to pry the lock with their knife.

Stock image. The restroom door now has deep gouges in it from where the Blacks tried to force it open with a knife.

“I could just hear them laughing. I just dropped the phone and I crawled up in a ball and I just was waiting. I was just freaking out, I was just screaming.  All I could hear is banging on the door,” she said.

The victim said she believes the men finally left because they knew the police were on the way. While they took nothing from the apartment, they robbed her of her sense of security.

“Now every time we go out, I’m like looking around and I don’t stay by myself here,” the woman said. “I always have somebody stay here, if I’m at the house.”

The victim said the suspects were both young black men. One was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt, the other was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt.

Denver Police said the second attack happened just six days later around 6 p.m., again in the area of 10025 E. Girard Ave.  In that incident, police said a black man wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt kicked in the front door to an apartment. The male resident scared the suspect off. Another black man wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt was seen loitering nearby.

Police believe the cases maybe linked, because in both cases the suspects may have been watching the apartments and believed women were alone inside.

Police ask anyone with information about these crimes to call the Denver Police Department at 720-913-2000 or contact Crime Stoppers at 720-913-7867. You can also text 274637 (CRIMES), enter the title DMCS and your message. You can remain anonymous and be eligible for a reward of up to $2,000 for information leading to the arrest and charging of those responsible for this crime.