Attention Bounty Hunters – Blacks Rob White Parents Walking with Newborn and Police Offer $10,000 Reward for His Capture

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2017

Why should new White parents have to deal with violent monkeys robbing them when they’re walking with their children?

What possible reasoning could there be for such a situation?

Fox 5:

A DC couple pushing their 6-week-old baby in a stroller was robbed at knifepoint in the middle of the day on a busy corridor of 14th Street, according to police.

Authorities say two men approached a couple who had just left brunch with their newborn, pulled weapons on them and demanded money.

“It was violent and they threatened us with deadly force,” the child’s father told FOX 5.

The victims, who asked FOX 5 to not identify them for their safety, complied and handed over their money.

“It was by far the most frightening thing I’ve ever experienced because we’re new parents and we had our son with us,” the child’s mother said.

The victims said one of the suspects was armed with a knife and the other with a box cutter. The suspects took the man’s wallet and the couple’s diaper bag, according to the victims.

Why take the diaper bag? Is there some black market (or black magic) that runs on baby feces?

Thankfully, the couple and their child were not injured during the incident.

A reward of up to $10,000 is being offered to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the suspects. Tipsters can call the Metropolitan Police Department at (202) 727-9099.

You heard them, they’re offering ten grand to find some ape in DC.

Let’s get a Stormer Bounty Hunter group going.