Austin’s Jew Mayor Demands Tranny Police Force

Goy Orbison
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2017

It’s very unsettling when Jews try to look human. Just grow the beard and locks, freak!

Austin is a city that prides itself on being progressive and different. It is the SWPL and hipster capital of Texas; a liberal college town known for its countless music festivals and laid back vibe.

“Keep Austin Weird,” the official slogan of the city, helps illustrate Austin’s try-hard efforts to stand out compared to the rest of the state, which the locals view as backwards and old-fashioned.

“We’re here to find ourselves AKA wear skinny jeans, get ironic tattoos and do drugs while we waste daddy’s money on overpriced liberal arts degrees.”

This “Keep Austin Weird” mentality is emblematic of the city’s practice of enabling mental illness, drug addiction and degenerate pervert lifestyles, all in the name of eccentricity and weirdness. The epitome of this was a local character named Leslie, a thankfully dead cross-dressing bum faggot that would walk around drunk at times in nothing but a woman’s thong. Despite this crazed and idiotic behavior, he was beloved by the city’s liberals.

[WARNING: Gross old bum ass in the video.]

In a sane society, someone like that would be put in a mental institution and given some kind of treatment or, failing that, chased out of town. But in the land of moral relativism, fruitcakes like that become a “fixture” of the city.

Never mind the horrified looks of children walking by – look how unique he is!

“That’s kind of disturbing that this drunk guy is walking around in public wearing nothing but women’s underwear. But hey! Who am I to judge? Keep Austin Weird MAAAAAAN!”

Naturally the city is all gung-ho about promoting the acceptance of trans-insanity, although in a reversal of their usual tactics, they want you to believe this behavior is normal rather than weird.

After President Trump banned cross-dressing queers from the military, the Judenpresse and POZgressives nationwide erupted in a flustered signal-fest. Among them was the Jew mayor of Austin, Steve Adler, who took to Twitter to show the world what a heroic and tolerant guy he is.

Austin-American Statesman:

In light of President Donald Trump’s Wednesday announcement that transgender Americans will be banned from serving in the military, Austin’s mayor had a message: Kicked out? Come to Austin.

Have to hand it to this heeb. That’s a really noble and brave stance to take. Because in the fight against crime, the most important thing to take into consideration is how many cock-choppers you’ve got on your police squad.

After the tranny hiring bonanza, cavity searches during traffic stops rose 7,000%.

Apparently, Austin already has a “trans-man” officer.

Huffington Post:

Prospective applicants should note that the Austin Police Department has an openly transgender officer on its current roster. After being a member of the city’s police force for 10 years, Greg Abbink came out to his colleagues as trans in 2014, The Austin American-Statesman reported.

Thought those were just called lesbos? To be fair though, she’s probably got more testosterone than most of the men in Austin.

“The Stigma of Mental Illness” could be the title of either story.

Adler is also vocal against the campaign to end sanctuary cities and wants to protect Austin’s status as a safe-haven for illegal invaders.


“Actually, cities like Austin are safer and have better economies,” Austin Mayor Steve Adler tells Newsweek in a statement Wednesday. “ICE should be figuring out why that’s true and applying those lessons.”

I’m sure that has nothing to do with demographics. I mean, sure the most dangerous cities in Texas tend to have either majority or at least considerably large Hispanic and black populations while Austin’s population consists of soy-fueled bugmen and white college girls riding the cock-carousel in between music festivals, but I’m sure it’s because of sanctuary policies and tranny acceptance.

Austin residents are too busy sipping cum-flavored IPAs and gentrifying Mexican neighborhoods to commit crime.

It boggles the mind that people who can’t even orient themselves properly to what genitals they have would be armed and put in a position of authority over regular people. This isn’t just some Bible-beater talk. It’s common sense and even the former psychiatrist-in-chief from Johns Hopkins, Paul R. McHugh, agreed that these people are mentally ill and need help, not enabling.

Great! Let’s arm these people and put them in charge of civilian populations ASAP.

Yet somehow, we’re supposed to believe these people pass the psychological tests and are fit to be in a position where the lives of civilians are in their hands.

Will they lower the standards like they do for blacks? Will these cross-dressers be allowed to search women or is that sexual harassment? So many unanswered questions.

Whatever the case is, expect Buffalo Bill to be pulling you over real soon.

“You have the right to remain silent. If you do not comply, you will be tossed down a well and skinned alive to make a tranny flesh suit.”