Australia: 14-Year Old Boy Discovers He Doesn’t Really Want to be a Girl After All, Needs Surgery to Remove His Drug-Grown Tits

Daily Stormer
September 10, 2017

Notice that, at no point in the article or the video is there any mention of a father… I’m sure it’s just a “coincidence” that all these boys convinced by their mothers that they’re actually girls either have no father at all, or a cuck who might as well be dead.

Daily Caller:

A 12-year-old Australian transgender boy, who transitioned into a girl two years ago, is featured in an upcoming episode of Australian “60 Minutes” – where he reveals that he no longer wants to be a girl.

After doctors diagnosed Patrick Mitchell with gender dysphoria he begged his mother to let him take female replacement hormones, The Independent reported.

More likely, it was the “mother” pestering him to do so. Women who don’t get smacked around on a regular basis turn into disgusting kike-like creatures whose sole purpose is to castrate every man they meet – literally or figuratively – until one of them starts kapowing them daily. Then they become their willing, mindless slaves.

The secret to a happy marriage

Gender dysphoria is considered by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to be a “mental disorder,” while the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes it as a “mental illness.”

OMG! Doctors are literal nazis!

 “You wish you could just change everything about you, you just see any girl and you say I’d kill to be like that,” Mitchell says in the interview.

Sounds like a totally normal kid. Completely sane and with no mental disorders.

 Mitchell received support from his mother to begin transitioning, and after taking hormones, he began to grow breasts.

Also perfectly normal… unless you’re a NAZI, in which case your hatred makes you blind to the normality of a prepubescent boy growing tits.

 “In the beginning of 2017, teachers at school began to refer to him as a girl which triggered Mitchell to question if he had made the right decision,” the independent added.

After reflecting on the decision to become a girl, Mitchell decided that he no longer wanted to be a girl.

“I began to realize I was actually comfortable in my body. Every day I just felt better,” Mitchell said.

That’s the thing about mental illness – it’s not as comfortable in the real world as it is in your own fucked up head.

 Mitchell has stopped taking female hormones as he attempts to go back to being a boy and is expected to have surgery to remove the breasts he grew during his time as a girl.

If there are any kikes reading this – don’t be depressed. Even if this kid started fixing some of the damage your ideologies and your media has done, it’s already too late. The chances that he will ever have a normal are practically zero, you’ve done permanent damage to him. So you can keep on being happy about it, until people like me make sure you’ll never be happy about anything ever again.

It’s coming