Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2015

Fifteen non-Moslem females were spotted in Islamic garb in Dandenong, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. They sported hijabs as part of a social experiment that aimed to promote the “virtues” of multiculturalism, tolerance, and acceptance.
Not only that, but the experiment pushed the idea that White nations have nothing to fear from Islam or Moslem immigrants. Which is a total joke, and an excuse to dump more of them into our lands.
The experiment by two Minaret College schoolgirls was part of a short documentary being filmed for Greater Dandenong Council’s “Youth Channel” program aimed at “providing awareness, insight and education”.
The Council called on women to wear the Islamic headdress for three hours today as part of a “social experiment” for National Youth Week.
Co-organiser Fatima, 16, said about 15 women trialled hijabs and the feedback was “overwhelmingly positive”.
Centre for Multicultural Youth regional services co-ordinator Heather Stewart, who wore a hijab back to her workplace, said she found the experience enlightening and was surprised by the backlash.
“I think it’s really sad that there seems to be such a lot of fear about Islam,” she said.
“I saw it as an opportunity for non-Muslim women to understand a little bit about another culture.”