Australia: Ex-Prime Minister Confirms Jewish False-Flag Attack on USS Liberty

Daily Stormer
June 2, 2014

Ex-Prime Minster of Australia Malcolm Fraser.

This video, narrated and edited by Joshua Blakeney, contains segments of an ABC radio interview with the former Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Fraser in which he confirms that Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty on June 8th 1967.

The Jew Israeli regime has always maintained that the US naval vessel was torpedoed “accidentally.” However countless military experts have for some time alleged that it was a false-flag operation designed to induce conflict between the US and those Arab countries Israel was at the time vanquishing in the so called Six Day War.

Mr. Fraser’s confirmation of Israel’s malicious intent is significant because it underscores the reality that Israel is willing to attack her allies if push comes to shove. The video also hones in on Jon Faine, the Jewish-Zionist gatekeeper who hosts the ABC radio program in question.