Australia: Gang of African Youths Swarm Melbourne Beach, Assault Beachgoers

When Melbourne was white, beachgoers didn’t have to worry about roving gangs of cultural enrichers.

Diversity changed all that.

Still… that African food is pretty good, isn’t it?

Daily Mail:

Melbourne beachgoers have been viciously attacked by a gang of African youths who allegedly smashed a glass bottle over a teenager’s head before assaulting multiple swimmers and stealing their wallets.

The youths are accused of assaulting and robbing beachgoers in three separate incidents at Chelsea beach, south-east Melbourne, between 9.30 and 10pm on Thursday night.

Police had previously attended the beach to control two separate out-of-hand groups who engaged in a violent brawl at about 6pm.

A number of swimmers were enjoying Melbourne’s warm temperatures by taking a dip in the water when the group of African youths begun to rummage through their unattended belongings on the beach.

One male swimmer was assaulted when he confronted the thieves who fled with mobile phones and purses.

The group later approached three other men aged 25, 28 and 30 who were also assaulted.

The 28-year-old’s mobile phone was stolen during the altercation.

Moments after, a 19-year-old man who was sitting on the beach was approached by the group of thugs.

He was violently struck in the head with a glass bottle and assaulted with a plastic cricket bat, police said.

The man was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries but required stitches on his head.

Two other victims were treated on the scene by paramedics.

No arrests have been made and police have described all offenders to be African in appearance, aged in their late teens or early 20’s.