Australia: Satanic Badge-Niggers Attack Thousands of Anti-Jew Protesters Outside Arms Convention

All over the Western world, cops have one purpose, and it is not stopping crime. They don’t stop crime and if you complain they don’t stop crime they will threaten you.

The only purpose of the cops in any Western country is to protect Jews. That is all they ever do. Cops are an army hired by Jews to protect Jews from the local populations of white countries.

They also force you to abide by Virus Law, as Virus Law is an aspect of Jew Law.

Cops are an absolute menace, and people should be calling for these police terrorist groups to be disbanded.


Thousands of anti-war protesters clashed with police Wednesday outside a military arms convention in downtown Melbourne.

Around 1,800 police officers have been deployed to a Melbourne convention center where the Land Forces International Land Defense Exposition will take place from Wednesday until Friday.

Witnesses reported protesters throwing rocks, horse manure and tomatoes at police horses and officers with shields and wearing riot gear. A police officer on horseback was seen striking a protester with a riding crop.

A line of police was also seen forcing protesters away from the convention center.

Officers used pepper spray against some protesters and were seen taking others into custody.

Roads have been closed off and morning peak hour traffic was disrupted by the protesters organized by Students for Palestine and Disrupt Wars groups. Organizers hoped up to 25,000 protesters would turn out.

We’re protesting to stand up for all those who have been killed by the type of weapons on display at the convention,” Students for Palestine national co-convenor Jasmine Duff said in a statement.

The cops are a military.

These are not local constables.

Just look at them.

The taxpayers are paying these badge-niggers to brutalize them in the name of Jews.

Enough is enough.