Australia Says Roman Catholic Church Should End Celibacy to Stop Man-Boy Love

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2017

Pope Grab Em by the Dick

Traditionalist Catholics will go nuts whenever you suggest a connection between the celibacy priests and phenomenon of pederasty among their ranks.

They are of course technically correct from the angle that they argue, which is that not having sex with women doesn’t make you all the sudden want to have sex with teenage boys. If you’re a guy, you’ve probably been through periods of no sex for months on end and never said to yourself “maybe I should suck-off a teenage boy.” This is actually the absurdist argument that anti-celibacy campaigners make, and it is clearly and obviously wrong. Assuming you were a priest and ready to violate your vows, you would just go find a hooker or perhaps seduce a nun – both these things happened throughout the history of the church when priests failed to uphold their vows of celibacy.

However, there is another argument, which is my argument: homosexuals are drawn to the priesthood because it creates an opportunity for the ultimate homo experience: traveling the world in luxury and engaging in sex acts with young teenage boys.

So the priesthood is always going to be top-heavy with homos in the modern homo era, especially given that most of it appears to have already been infiltrated and taken over by homos.

Fox News:

An Australian inquiry into child abuse could rock the Roman Catholic Church.

The panel on Friday called on the church to repeal its celibacy requirement for priests, and said clergy should face prosecution if they fail to report evidence of pedophilia heard in the confessional.

Australia’s Royal Commission into Institution Responses to Child Sexual Abuse released its 17-volume report and made almost 200 recommendations following a five-year investigation into how the Catholic Church and other institutions responded to sexual abuse of children in Australia over 90 years.

The Royal Commission is the country’s highest form of inquiry and the voluminous report it produced followed testimony from more than 8,000 survivors of child sex abuse.

Sixty-two percent of those abused in religious institutions were Catholic, the study found. Catholicism is the largest denomination in majority-Christian Australia.

“We have concluded that there were catastrophic failures of leadership of Catholic Church authorities over many decades,” the report said.

‘Elevated risk’

Among the recommendations, the commission recommends that the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference ask the Vatican to repeal the mandatory celibacy requirement for the clergy and make it instead a voluntary choice. Although finding that celibacy was not a direct cause of child sexual abuse by the clergy, it was a contributing factor, the panel said.

The report reads: “We conclude that there is an elevated risk of child sex abuse where compulsorily celibate male clergy or religious have privileged access to children in certain types of Catholic institutions, including schools, residential institutions and parishes.”

It is a “contributing factor” for the reason I have stated: homosexuals are drawn to the office.

But they can’t say that, because that implies homosexuals are predators. They can’t even call them “homosexuals,” and instead call them “pedophiles,” which is the wrong use of the word, given that these are not “children,” but pubescent boys that are being targeted.

Since Vatican II, everything meaningful has been stripped from the church, so no one other than homosexuals is going to be interested in forgoing sex with women in order to be a member of its clergy. That is the ultimate problem. In fact, it’s similar to what I wrote earlier today about how you can’t get normal people to be cops, and so are left with losers and power-mad sadists.

Yeah, if you allowed non-celibate people to be priests, you could get normal men in there with the lure of relatively high pay and extreme job security, and that would presumably water down the currently highly-condensed homosexual population.

But that doesn’t appear to me to be a good or real solution to the issue.

And it isn’t going to happen anyway – this is just some nonsense from Australia. There is a push to allow married priests, but there is a bigger push to keep it a homosexual man-boy love cult, and as in most situations, the gay lobby is stronger.

The Jews have already gotten their wish for the destruction of the Catholic church. It was fully hollowed-out as soon as the reforms were passed and it was just a matter of watching it rot.

Fixing Christendom is a daunting task.

And evangelical cults are in many ways in a worse state than Catholics.

Almost makes a man want to embrace an artificial womb-oriented genocidal galactic empire.

An artificial womb that can grow baby sheep

This artificial womb successfully grew baby sheep — and humans could be next.

Posted by The Verge on Dienstag, 25. April 2017

Would you be satisfied training your own artificial womb clones for missions of galactic genocide for all of eternity?

Ah, but that isn’t really in the Christmas spirit.