Australia: Somalis Receive Short Sentences for Mutilating White Man with Machetes

Today, sentences for Moslem-on-white murders are short.

Soon, there will be no sentences at all.


Two refugees from Somalia have received short sentences for splitting a man’s skull and mutilating his hand in a machete attack in Melbourne, Australia.

Abdirizak Mohamed Scek, 25, and Said Abdirahman, 28, gave “no explanation” for their savage attack on Nathan Brett, who was left with “a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain, and his finger hanging by a thread”, according to the Daily Mail.

The court heard Brett was set upon by a group of African men armed with machetes while walking through a North Melbourne park after a party, shortly after having discovered a friend with a machete wound nearby and calling an ambulance for him.

The Australian fled from his attackers but was pursued all the way to the door of a friend’s house, where he was given shelter.

Despite the ‘no more soft sentences’ headline in the Daily Mail report on the case — which suggested the migrants were given “more than ten years” by a “tough new female judge” — the prison terms handed down by the County Court of Victoria’s Judge Sarah Dawes were actually fairly short.

Abdirahman was given five-and-a-half years, with the possibility of parole after serving three-and-a-half, and Scek was given four years and nine months, with the possibility of parole after serving two years and nine months.