Australia Terror Plot: 9 Muslims Charged

The New Observer
December 13, 2015

Nine Muslims in Australia have been charged after an intensive three-day set of raids and arrests by Joint Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT) police units working to prevent an attack on the Australian Federal Police headquarters in Sydney.


Australian police have announced that six Muslims, including a 15-year-old, were arrested in south-western Sydney (also known as “Little Beirut”) for “formulating documents connected with preparations to facilitate, assist, or engage a person to undertake a terrorist act.”

Another three Muslims, already in custody on other charges, were then added to the charge sheet as further evidence came to light. The police said the arrests were part of an ongoing anti-terrorism program known as “Operation Appleby.”

The new charges, the police said, relate to material that was seized during search warrants conducted by Operation Appleby investigators in December 2014.

It will be alleged in court that the men were involved in formulating documents connected with preparations to facilitate, assist, or engage a person to undertake a terrorist act.

Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan said that the “JCTT conducted disruption activity to ensure the safety of the community last year, and has continued to examine the evidence gathered and investigate potential criminal offences.”

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Special Operations Catherine Burn said that it was “disturbing that we continue to deal with teenaged children in this environment. To be putting a 15-year-old before the courts on very serious charges that carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment demonstrates the difficulties law enforcement face.”

The three Muslims already in detention at Goulburn’s Supermax prison have also now been charged with plotting to carry out a terrorist attack. An NSW Police Force spokesman said the three had each been charged with one count of conspiracy to conduct an act in preparation for a terrorist act.

The arrests come just nine weeks after another 15-year-old Muslim, named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad, shot dead a Sydney police employee of Chinese origin, Curtis Cheng, outside police headquarters at Parramatta. That attack was “politically motivated,” police said at the time (“Gunman who shot dead NSW police employee was radicalized youth,” ABC, Oct. 3, 2015).

Following that attack, New South Wales Premier Mike Baird and Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione held a formal meeting with what the Australian press calls the “Muslim community” to “discuss the radicalization of young people and community unrest.

At the same time, Baird also announced a $25 million program to fortify Sydney police stations located through the “Little Beirut” part of Sydney.

Six Muslim terrorist attacks in Australia have been foiled recently, but several have not.

September 2014 saw an upsurge in Muslim terrorist incidents in Australia:

A Brisbane Islamic center was raided and two Muslims charged with terrorism offences.

– Police also carried out counterterrorism raids in MelbourneSydney, and Brisbane linked to a plot by Australia-based individuals to kill a random member of the public.

– Omarjan Azari, described as “Australia’s most senior Islamic State member,” was charged with conspiring to plan or prepare a terrorist act.

An 18-year-old ISIS supporter, Numan Haider, was shot dead by police after pulling a knife from his jacket and attacking officers outside a Melbourne police station.

Abdul Numan Haider
Abdul Numan Haider

In December 2014, Iranian “refugee” and successful “asylum seeker” Man Haron Monis took 18 hostages at the Lindt cafe in Sydney’s Martin Place. Two hostages were killed, along with Monis, who had asked for an ISIS flag to be delivered to him inside the café.

Thanks to unrestricted Third World immigration, Sydney now has a large Muslim population, and boasts no less than 58 mosques.