Australian Racists Call Out “N*gger” Cop Who Killed Blonde Oz Woman in Minnesota

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2017

“Australians” are angry, ostensibly because one of their people was killed by an American-Somalian cop in Minnesota this week.

However, one has to wonder: do they really care that much about some random dead woman, or are they just using this as an excuse to lash out in hatred for the color of a man’s skin?


The death of a 40-year-old Australian woman at the hands of a Minnesota Police Officer in an unexplained incident has triggered a flood of questions in her home country.

Yoga instructor and life coach Justine Ruszczyk, who goes by Justine Damond in her professional life, was gunned down by police officer Mohamed Noor behind her house Saturday evening after she called in a possible assault.

The story has been front page news in her home country. “American Nightmare,” screamed the front page of The Daily Telegraph, a national newspaper from Ruszczyk’s hometown of Sydney.

They say “AMERICAN NIGHTMARE,” but what they really mean is “SOMALIAN NIGHTMARE.”

The white-controlled Australian media is attempting to stir racial hatred against Somalians, who are, by and large, some of the most peaceful and well-behaved people on the planet.

“To most Australians, the recent surge in police shootings across the US was obviously concerning but at the same time a remote issue, far from Australia’s shores,” the front-page story reads. “That view has changed now with the fatal shooting by police of Sydney woman Justine Ruszczyk Damond in the suburb of Fulton, Minneapolis.”

The story has struck a chord in Australia partly because it feeds “into Australians’ long-held fears about America’s notorious culture of gun violence,” according to the Associated Press.


A fear of “gun violence”?

How can a gun be violent?

This is a fear of men of color. Nothing else.

As it turns out, Noor was a very good man, beloved by his community.

Fox News:

The Somali-born Minnesota police officer alleged to have shot and killed an unarmed Australian woman on Saturday had been lauded by Minneapolis’ mayor and feted by the local community when he joined the force in 2015.

“I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department,” Mayor Betsy Hodges wrote in a Facebook post when Noor began serving the city. “Officer Noor has been assigned to the 5th Precinct, where his arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community in and around Karmel Mall.”

In fact, The Washington Post reported that community threw a party for Noor – the first Somali-American officer to serve in the precinct. Minneapolis is home to one of the nation’s largest Somali communities.

“He came to the United States at a young age and is thankful to have had so many opportunities,” Thomas Plunkett, Noor’s attorney, said Monday. “…For him, being a police officer is a calling.”

Abdikadir Hassan, a local community leader, told The Minneapolis Star Tribune that Noor was a role model.

“He is inspiring to young people in the community,” Hassan said. “He is very supportive and good with the kids. He is such a lovely guy.”

Noor, 31, attended Augsburg College in Minneapolis and earned a degree in business administration, management and economics, The Star Tribune reported.

But despite reportedly viewing the police force as his “calling,” Noor took a winding road to the department’s door. He first had jobs in residential property management and as the general manager of a hotel, according to The Star Tribune.

In his short time with the Minneapolis Police, Noor has had three complaints filed against him – two that are still open. The other was closed and Noor wasn’t disciplined.

On May 25, a woman accused Noor of assault and battery because he “grabbed her right wrist and upper arm” and inflamed a pre-existing shoulder injury while officers were forcibly removing her from her home and bringing her to a hospital.

Noor, who spoke Somali at home, divorced his wife in December, but documents obtained by The Star Tribune also suggest he was a workaholic.

An evaluator was reportedly sent to observe Noor and his son together for an unspecified reason and concluded Noor had an “even keel and calm demeanor.”



Standard good boy.

Everything you’d expect from any other unarmed black teen.

And yet to hate-filled Australians, he’s nothing but an n-word.

Since we don’t have any evidence to the contrary, I think it’s safe to assume that it was the woman’s fault that Noor pulled out his gun and shot it over his partner and through the door of the police car, killing her.

We don’t even know – maybe she shot herself so that he would get blamed?

But of course, everyone jumps to the conclusion that it must be the cop’s fault because he’s black.

That old anti-Somalian canard of the violent black man.