Austria: Afghan “Migrants” Turn Children’s Playground into Drug Den

The New Observer
May 2, 2016

Gangs of Africans and Afghans who have swindled their way into Austria pretending to be refugees have turned a central children’s playground in Linz into a drug hell.

According to a report in the Austrian Wochenblick newspaper, the playground adjoining the Krempl building in central Linz has been a “drug hotspot” since the nonwhite invaders arrived last year.



According to Linz city police chief Karl Pogutter, the nonwhites run an active—and “uninhibited”—trade in marijuana, crystal meth, and other drugs.

“Some days and at certain times there are over thirty drug traffickers selling their banned substances,” Pogutter said, adding that they had been there since “last spring.”

A local woman—who asked the Wochenblick not to name her “for fear of reprisals from the criminals”—said that the dealing “goes on around the clock.”

“First it was just a few Africans, but now many Afghans have appeared. Often around here up to 50 people hang around dealing and smoking,” she said.

The Wochenblick continued: “Next to the park is a restaurant, frequented mainly by black Africans. Dozens of beer cans and liquor bottles lie piled up in a large plastic garbage can, evidence of a great party which was celebrated here. Residents say this is the main reason why the drug scene has come to the playground: the Africans meet here first and then go to the park.”

The Wochenblick asked a local if the police ever come to the area.

“Yes, they come regularly,” the local said, but the police are not taken seriously “because the dealers know that nothing can happen to them if they have only a small amount for personal use with them.”

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They all apparently keep the large amounts of the drug at a stash nearby which is then supplied to clients via a third party.

The dealers are also in contact with their scouts and each other by cell phone, and often when the police arrive they have already dispersed into side streets.

The Wochenblick reporters attempted to approach the dealers, but after three unsuccessful attempts, they were greeted with the shout of “Ha ha, police, f**k you!” from the nonwhites.

There are now so many in Linz that turf wars between the Africans and Afghans have broken out, the newspaper continued.

“Many of the criminals are not even 16-years-old,” the paper said. “Only two weeks ago, an incident took place involving a 14-year-old Afghan and two Africans. The nonwhites beat each other with bottles and sticks, resulting in serious injuries for all”—which had to be treated at taxpayers’ expense in the local hospital.