Austria: Albanian Terrorist Arrested for Islamic Bomb Plot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2017

Can we please stop pretending that Albanians are somehow European?

Fox News:

A man suspected of planning a bomb attack in Vienna has been arrested by special forces, Austrian media has reported.

The Austrian authorities had been warned about a possible attack by foreign intelligence services, a Vienna police spokesman, Thomas Keiblinger, told news agency APA.

He said: “There were growing indications of a planned attack in the capital in the past few days.”

The suspect was detained at an apartment in Vienna at around 6 p.m. local time (noon ET), Mr Keiblinger said.

Police refused to comment on a report from the Kronen-Zeitung newspaper that the suspect had built explosives in Germany.

The newspaper also claimed the man belonged to an Islamist group which originated in Albania, and which held sympathies with Islamic State (ISIS).

Albanians need to be driven back into Anatolia, ASAP.

And then Islam needs to be driven completely from Anatolia, back into the Levant, at least.

Or just, you know – glass parking lot.