Austria and Germany Agree to Take All Immigrants from Hungary

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 5, 2015


Well, well, well.

Look who broke first.

Angela Merkel may be a master of lies, deception, slamming down cupcakes and planning genocide, but she is not very good at playing chicken.


Hundreds of migrants, exhausted after breaking away from police and marching for hours toward Western Europe, boarded buses provided by Hungary’s government as Austria in the early-morning hours said it and Germany would let them in.

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann announced the decision early Saturday after speaking with Angela Merkel, his German counterpart — not long after Hungary’s surprise nighttime move to provide buses for the weary travellers from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

With people streaming in long lines along highways from a Budapest train station and near a migrant reception centre in this northern town, the buses would be used because “transportation safety can’t be put at risk,” said Janos Lazar, chief of staff to the prime minister.

This came after the animals decided to “march to freedom” outside of Hungary into Germany where they would get the ultimate prize of unlimited free everything forever.

Please read this part, while realizing the media is reporting this with a straight face.

The asylum seekers had already made dangerous treks in scorching heat, crawling under barbed wire on Hungary’s southern frontier and facing the hostility of some locals along the way. Their first stop will be Austria, on Hungary’s western border, though most hope to eventually reach Germany.

Hungarian authorities had refused to let them board trains to the west, and the migrants balked at going to processing centres, fearing they would be forced to live in Hungary.

Under European law, refugees are supposed to seek asylum in the first European Union country they enter. But many see limited economic opportunities and a less welcoming atmosphere in Hungary than in Germany, Sweden and other Western nations.

In what the Hungarian media called a “day of uprisings,” about 350 people broke through a police cordon Friday and began heading to Austria, 135 kilometres to the west, on tracks leading away from the railway station. Surprised riot police scrambled for their helmets as the crowd surged from the front of the train.

Here are the pics. Feel free to lol, and pray to Jesus (or whichever deity you prefer, as long as it isn’t Allah) that all these people get crushed by mysterious chunks of space debris.


Just to be clear, this is now the official situation, as reported by the mainstream media (not the Daily Stormer), in convenient bullet-point format:

  • The US and Israel funded foreign terrorists to start a war in Syria to attempt to overthrow Assad because, for reasons as of yet unstated, they believe the country needs a democracy
  • People caught in this war have been determined to be the most helpless, pathetic people on earth
  • These people flee to Turkey, a Moslem country which is not at war and accepts unlimited numbers of refugees
  • The refugees do not like Turkey, in part because of poor dental programs
  • They then take rickety boats from Turkey to Greece, a country which is not at war
  • Greece, being in a state of monumental economic crisis, does not have the resources to process the influx of alleged refugees (most of whom are not even actually from Syria at all, according to statistics, some coming from as far as Pakistan and Bangladesh, neither of which are at war)
  • Greece, incapable of dealing with the swarm, allows them to move north
  • They break through police lines at FYROM, a country which is not at war
  • They move through Serbia, a country which is not at war, then climb over Hungary’s impotent fence
  • Hungary, a country which is not at war, attempts to process them
  • They avoid being processed in Hungary, because they fear that means they will have to stay there, and they don’t want to stay there because they feel people are mean to them and they don’t think the welfare benefits are good enough
  • They break out of Hungary and start marching toward Germany, a country which is not only not at war, but also has very good welfare benefits, and will literally kick its own people out of their homes so that “refugees” can live in them; they believe they owe this to the refugees, to make up for gassing six million Jews
  • The German government announces that they simply cannot stand to see these poor and helpless people walking to their country, and will instead provide them with transportation
  • When they arrive in Germany, they will be given full first world social welfare benefits, i.e. free everything

This is the actual thing which is happening. I have not altered any details, I have not given any commentary. These are the exact facts as being reported by the media. And the media is reporting these facts without critical comment, except to point out how horrible things are for these immigrants, and how evil it is that anyone would question what is happening.

We are literally living in the Twilight Zone.

Twilight zone jewing intensifies

The upside here is that this recent move by Germany and Austria is an admission that they are incapable of forcing Eastern Europe to deal with this crisis they have created. Ultimately, this effectively signals the end of the EU “free movement” pact, which Merkel has repeatedly stated is the foundational principle of the EU.

So, she has admitted she is incapable of defending the foundational principle of the union.

What happens now?

Personally, I have absolutely no idea.


Here are some more pictures of these pitiful creatures marching.

I am shocked that I have not yet seen it labeled “the trail of tears.”

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