Austria: Generation Identity Set to Take the Fall for Hilarious Mosque Prank

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 27, 2019

I knew someone was going to have to go down for the practical joke that Saint Brenton (PBUH) played on the Islamic invasion force of New Zealand.

It wasn’t going to be me. I already went down for that disgusting fat bitch having a heart attack after a car accident in Charlottesville. I’m down as far as I can go and I’m still standing, so these people don’t even fuck with me anymore. They won’t even mention me because I have a strategy to exploit any and all media coverage as they discovered when I leaked my plots as part of a plan to get them off my ass.

I can dodge bullets, motherfucker. Don’t even bother coming at me.

In the immediate aftermath of the ENZED practical joke, they tried to take down 4chan, but that’s time and again proved to be a fool’s errand.

So they’ve hit on Austria’s Generation Identity movement.


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on Wednesday said there was a financial link between the man who killed 50 people in mass shootings at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the far-right Identitarian Movement in Austria.

Hansjoerg Bacher, spokesman for prosecutors in Graz, said Martin Sellner, head of the Identitarian Movement – which says it wants to preserve Europe’s identity – received 1,500 euros ($1,690) in early 2018 from a donor with the same name as the man charged with murder following the Christchurch attack.

“We can now confirm that there was financial support and so a link between the New Zealand attacker and the Identitarian Movement in Austria,” Kurz said.

Sellner published a video on YouTube in which he said he had received a donation from the man and that police had raided his house over the possible links to the Christchurch attacker.

In it, he said: “I’m not a member of a terrorist organization. I have nothing to do with this man, other than that I passively received a donation from him.”

Here’s the video – it’s in Yiddish, suspiciously.

I’m just joking, that’s German.

It would have been a funny joke if I wouldn’t have told you I was joking, but I’m not really trying to cause problems here.

Bacher said an investigation was underway about whether there were criminally relevant links between Sellner and the attacker.

The Austrian Interior Ministry declined to comment.

Kurz said Austria was looking into dissolving the Identitarian Movement.

“Our position on this is very clear, no kind of extremism whatsoever – whether it’s radical Islamists or right-wing extremist fanatics – has any place in our society,” Kurz said.

Of course they’re going to “dissolve” it.

Someone has to take a fall for these things. Every time.

It’s a shame.

Sellner is a good guy. Good optics.

He dates that American tradthot, can’t remember her name.

Nice couple.

Though I am personally thankful that I’ve avoided the whole tradthot e-celeb girlfriend trap, they seem to have made it work from every YouTube video I’ve seen.

She’s a lot more respectable than Lauren Southern, who literally fucked Luke Rodowski.

He allegedly told her to leave the MAGA helmet on during the act of coitus to which she allegedly responded “only if you leave on those tie-dyed skiing goggles.”

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

The point here is: everything is getting shut down, no matter what, and there is nothing you can do about it.

We’re going underground now, across the white world.

Sellner and his gf this time next year

It’s only because Austria is less gay than literally every other Western European country that GI lasted this long.

But post-reality now. A lie about a lie about things that never happened is being passed off as the core truth and you’re the bad guy even though you don’t know it.

You can watch it on TV and read about it in the news.

The only way out is for reality itself to be reconstituted, which would require it to be stripped down completely, laid out naked and shivering for everyone to see.

And everything that is being built up around us is designed to keep the gaudy dress and all of the fixtures on this imitation of truth.

But the future is already written. It’s a math equation that I can’t solve but at least I know that’s what it is. You are in the middle of a gigantic freak opera.

The more I think about it, the less sure I am that history even happened. I’m not sure that our grandparents didn’t simply appear, and that all of this reality is some kind of massive test, a soul-machine, designed to clear people who are worthy of advancing to the next stage of whatever this thing we find ourselves in is. This existence itself, it is not self-explanatory, regardless of what the experts claim.

History feels more like a backstory than an actual record of things that happened to conscious beings in a previous time. And if events are a math equation – and I assure you, they are – then the concept of time itself is some kind of illusion. I have no way of proving that I existed ten minutes ago, let alone that people existed hundreds of years ago and did things.

The demiurge has ensnared us. But our only tools are its tools. Thoughts and prayers aren’t going to solve anything.

If we understand that this is all a test, some kind of inexplicable game with winners and losers, then the fear should lift.