Austria: Hotheaded Turkroach Kills Official Who Rejected His Claim for Asylum

Can’t say I’m too upset about it.

This haji killed a social worker responsible for handing out benefits to thousands of hostile brown invaders.

Infowars Europe:

A Turkish migrant is suspected of killing an Austrian official who had denied his application for asylum, according to local media.

Alexander Alge, head of the Social Welfare Office in Vorarlberg, was stabbed to death in his office following a dispute with the suspect over the processing of welfare benefits.

The suspect had reportedly visited the office on multiple occasions and aggressively demanded, “Where is the money?”

“On Wednesday, finally, the man had penetrated directly into the office of the social worker and again demanded the money,” Vorarlberg Online reports. “The 34-year-old was assured that the matter would be settled on the same day – i.e. on Wednesday. As a result, the man, who reemerged again, left the office, only to return half an hour later with a kitchen knife and commit the bloody deed.”

The suspect had lived previously in Austria, but in 2009 was banned from staying anywhere in the European Union after being convicted of a slew of offenses and serving multiple prison sentences.

His 2009 residence ban was reportedly signed by his victim.

“In 2010, the accused was expelled to Turkey,” Kurier reports. “The murder victim had signed the negative asylum decision.”