Austria: Identitarians Surprise Graz’s Green Reds

The New Observer
April 9, 2016

Austrian Generation Identitarian activists carried out a surprise raid on the headquarters of the Green Party in Graz this week, unfurling an “Islamism kills” banner on the roof and then drenching it—and the roof tiles—in symbolic red blood.


The action was held to protest the building of a huge mosque in the Upper Austrian city, one of many centers in that country targeted by the nonwhite colonizers in recent years.

In an interview given to the Sezession (“Secession”) news website in Germany, Austrian Identitarian Bewegung (Identitarian Movement, or IB), leader Patrick Lenart explained what happened—and why.

SECESSION: You drew attention to the Greens in Graz by going onto their roof—what was all that about?

PATRICK LENART: The Green presidential candidate, Alexander Van der Bellen blighted Graz with his presence yesterday. [The first round of the Austrian presidential election will take place on April 24.]

We took the opportunity to highlight the relationship between the Green Party’s policy and Islamism and bring it into the public’s consciousness.

More than two dozen IB activists gathered in a “flash mob” style with flares and banners in the street in front of the Green Party headquarters, while seven activists climbed onto the roof. They unfurled a huge banner reading “Islamization kills” and doused it with fake blood.

SECESSION: Why the Greens?

PATRICK LENART: The Greens are significant participates in the opening of the country’s doors to murderers. There is blood on their hands.

The message reached the desired recipients, because within the building there was a meeting of senior Green officials who immediately began to hyperventilate. The roof occupation was only ended by a police operation.

SECESSION: What has the action produced by way of results?

PATRICK LENART: The action generated media attention which exceeded all our expectations. All the important online media reported it, as did the radio and other media. The “roof occupation” was the talk of Graz.

The main reason for this was not only the spectacular nature of the action itself, but also the panic of the Greens themselves.

Social media also distributed news of the action far and wide.

Finally, we hoped that the action will serve as an incentive for more patriots to become active.

* Five of the Identitarians face charges over the action, and the IB has launched a legal appeal to help cover their costs. Sympathetic persons can donate to the IB Austria via their website here.