Austria: Liberals Allow “Migrant” Man to Babysit 4-Year-Old – You’ll Never Guess What Happened

The New Observer
May 11, 2016

The ongoing nonwhite invader crime rampage through Europe continues unabated—with the latest incident being the brutal rape of a four-year-old in Austria.

Like many other such cases, the nonwhite was given access to the child by her white liberal parents as part their support for “refugees” and “integration.”



Eritrean “unaccompanied minors” land in Europe.

According to a report in the OE24 news service in Austria, a 42-year-old nonwhite claiming to be a “Syrian” has been arrested in Salzburg for repeatedly raping the four-year-old girl.

The sex assaults occurred over a period of months from autumn 2015 to March 2016, when the parents finally filed charges against him.

The “asylum seeker” had been taken in by the liberal whites to show their support for the nonwhite invasion, and after he had befriended them, he offered to babysit their young child while they went out.

The rapes then occurred while the four-year-old was left in his care. The parents only realized that there was something wrong when the girl’s behavior dramatically altered, and they took her for a medical examination.

The nonwhite is awaiting trial, police said in a statement this week.

The case echoes several other cases, where liberals across Europe opened their houses to the nonwhite invaders pretending to be asylum seekers.

Another infamous case took placed in Sweden, where a liberal mother of three in Höör, Skåne, opened up her home for “asylum-seekers.”

According to a report in the Friatider newspaper, the woman ordered her ten-year-old daughter, named Emma, to vacate her bedroom to make space for the two “unaccompanied minors.”

On the evening of August 18, 2015, Emma awoke to find one of the nonwhite “juveniles,” Isaac squeezing her chest. She suffered breast pain after the incident and didn’t want to tell anyone, as she was afraid her mother would get in trouble.

Emma said she couldn’t even look at Isaac because “he looked scary to her.”

The story came out after Emma finally told a friend of hers, and eventually after several people became aware of the situation, Isaac was confronted.

He protested he would never sexually assault Emma, since he has a girlfriend back in Eritrea. But after further questioning, he finally admitted to groping Emma’s breasts. When the police questioned him, Isaac changed his testimony and denied he had ever touched her.

Isaac told the police that he was 15-years-old—and that he had started school in Eritrea when he was ten.

However, his lies soon became apparent when he went on to tell the police that he had gone to school for seven years, and had finished school two years before coming to Sweden. This, he said, made him “only 15.”

At his trial, the Lund District Court ordered that his lies be ignored and the case be tried as if he were a minor. This resulted in the nonwhite being sentenced under juvenile regulations, instead of the more severe adult punishments. This means he will be sent for “counselling to control his impulses.”

Isaac will however be allowed to stay in Sweden.