Austria: People Buying Up Guns in Response to Migrant Invasion

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 29, 2015

Buy them both you kraut-cuck - you're not going to have time to reload when this allah akbar comes down on you.
Buy them both you kraut-cuck – you’re not going to have time to reload when this allah akbar comes down on you.

We assure you goyim, this massive invasion of third world people is perfectly safe.

However, they are extremely violent people, and they will almost certainly attack you.


Hand guns and rifle sales are spiking in Austria, with some shops reporting they are running out of stocks of shotguns, since no license is needed to buy them.

“Yes, I can confirm, the demand in Austria for weapons is growing. My revenue doubled in September. And in October it has doubled again, and we are still in October,” a gun shop owner told RT.

Obtaining a firearms purchase license in Austria involves passing special courses concerning basic handling and knowledge of weapons. The gun shop owner confirmed to RT that the number of people taking the gun handling courses has increased tremendously.

“In the past, I had one appointment a week for ‘weapon license training’ with one or two people. Now I have a fixed second event, with 6 to 10 people attending,” the gun dealer said.

“Most of the people who came to me in the last week for a consultation or to buy a weapon, are telling me, and I always ask them, that the reason for buying is the ‘current situation’ in Austria,” the man told RT.

The “current situation” in this context is the influx of refugees entering Austria.

Up to 8,000 migrants cross the border every day, with authorities saying numbers could soon rise to 12,000.

Austrians seem to be getting nervous. They have bought 70,000 guns this year alone, according to police. In a country with an estimated population of 8.5 million, there are currently about 900,000 privately owned guns.

lol @ Jews acting like these people are not a threat
lol @ Jews acting like these people are not a threat