Austria: Police Hid Rapefugee Attack on Child

The New Observer
February 6, 2016

Austrian police deliberately covered up a December 2015 homosexual nonwhite invader rape attack on a 10-year-old boy in Vienna, using the excuse of “victim privacy,” it has emerged.


The swimming pool where the attack happened.

As the Austrian Krone newspaper has just reported, a December 2015 vicious rape of a 10-year-old boy by a “refugee” claiming to be from Iraq, has only now been confirmed by police in Vienna.

According to the report, the boy was raped on December 2 last year in an indoor swimming facility in Vienna. He sustained such severe internal injuries that he had to be operated upon at the Vienna General Hospital children’s section.

The nonwhite perpetrator was arrested at the scene and confessed. During his interrogation, he confirmed that he had entered Austria on September 13 through the “Balkan route.”

According to the official police report, the details of which were revealed by the Krone, the invader told the police that he had had a “sexual emergency” because he had “not had sex in four months.”

He said that he had had sex with women in Iraq, but not with his wife since the birth of their daughter. (The wife is apparently still in Iraq.)

In Austria, he said, he “could not wait to have sex again” and this was why he had raped the boy.

When the police asked him if it was not illegal even in Iraq to have sex with a ten-year-old boy, the invader said, according to the police report, that “such a thing is forbidden in any country of the world.”

He went on to say that he knew it was a “big mistake” and that it would leave a “huge scar on the boy.”

He had attacked the boy at the Theresienbad swimming facility, the report said. He had grabbed the boy, pushed him into a toilet cubicle and raped him. Even through the boy had cried out in pain, no one had heard him.

After the rape, the nonwhite then casually went out to the pool area and practiced diving off the board into the pool, not even noticing that the boy had emerged and informed the lifeguard, who called the police.

As the Krone article continued, the police did not even publicize the case at the time, and only responded to a press inquiry in February 2016 about the matter, citing “victim protection” as the reason why they had not informed the public.

A police spokesman denied that they had withheld news of the attack “in order not to incite the population.”

The police excuse is clearly false, as sex attacks by nonwhite invaders at swimming facilities in Austria (and Germany) have now become commonplace.

For example, in the town of Linz, the local authorities have started banning refugees from using the swimming pools completely, following an incident involving a 29-year-old Afghan sexually molesting Austrian boys in the Linz Parkbad facility.

The Linz authorities confirmed to the Krone that many bathers had complained about the behavior of the nonwhites, including issues such as excessive noise, women entering the pools fully clothed, and of course sexually-related crimes.