Daily Slave
October 15, 2014

The Austrian government just can’t seem to figure out what to do with the house where Adolf Hitler was born. The building’s owner has rejected various plans for the house including proposals to transform it into a Holocaust hoax museum. This has prompted a representative from the Austrian government to refer to the building as “historically contaminated.”
Despite several recent attempts to find a tenant acceptable to the house’s private owner, she has rejected plans for the house to become a community college, a migrant center or a holocaust museum, according to a report from the Austrian Press Association (APA).
The latest proposal, under which the house would be renamed as the House of Responsibility, would have made the building into a museum dedicated to depicting the crimes against humanity committed by Hitler’s Nazi’s during the so-called Third Reich. This proposal was summarily rejected by the owner, whose agreement with the government rules out any use of the building as a museum.
Calls for demolishing the house have also been rejected. It has stood empty for the past three years, while the owner receives a monthly rent of €4,600 paid for by the Interior Ministry.
The Republic takes its responsibilities seriously when it has ‘historically contaminated buildings’, stressed section chief Hermann Feiner, who is responsible for memorials of the Austrian Republic.
I honestly have no idea what a “historically contaminated building,” is but it sure sounds serious. After all, Hitler was an insane crystal meth addict who gassed 60 trillion Jews and turned them all into lampshades. In fact he was so crazy that he was able to ejaculate in his pants whenever Eva Braun lifted her skirt. He accomplished similar feats while delivering emotionally driven speeches despite being equipped with a single testicle.
But what does any of that have to do with this house, which is very much like any other house? Is “historical contamination” similar to some sort of a voodoo curse?
Was Adolf Hitler also a magical wizard, of evil intent?

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.