Austria Seeks to Escape Genocidal Merkel Refugee Quota

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2017

But… they’re just little innocent babes…

People just be all like “AYO DAT BITCH BE TRYIN TO KEEL US.”


The Austrian government plans to pull out from the EU resettlement program which obliges it to accept more refugees under the quota assigned to it by Brussels as it has already taken in more than its fair share of asylum seekers.

“We believe an exception is necessary for Austria for having already fulfilled its obligation. We will discuss that with the European Commission,” the Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern told journalists following a weekly cabinet meeting.

“We will send a letter [to Brussels] as quickly as possible and then begin discussions,” he added, as cited by Reuters. The Chancellor also said Austria would like to quit the program without any legal confrontation with Brussels, which could lead to it being accused of violating its obligations under the agreement. “We are not the agent provocateur,” Kern said.

Under the EU refugee resettlement and relocation program agreed in 2015, Austria has to take in some 460 asylum seekers from Italy and about 1,400 refugees from Greece. However, after Austria accepted around 90,000 refugees in 2015, it was granted a temporary exemption from the relocation program. That brief reprieve expired on March 11, 2017.

The government’s decision comes a bit unexpectedly as, just on Monday, the Austrian Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka announced that Austria has begun the process of relocation, preparing to accept the first group consisting of 50 underage asylum seekers from Italy.

The minister said he personally regards “the process of relocation as wrong” but admitted that Austria “has to fulfill its obligations” as there are no objective reasons to extend the exemption.

However, later the same day, the Austrian Defense Minister Hans-Peter Doskozil introduced a proposal envisaging the withdrawal from the EU relocation program at the cabinet meeting, arguing that Austria had already “exceeded” its refugee quota.

Austria should “pull out” from the program, as it is already “one of the countries that bear the heaviest [refugee] burden,” Doskozil said, pointing out that the number of asylum seekers per capita in Austria amounts to 4,587 people per one million Austrians. He added that Vienna’s figures are higher than that in Italy, where it actually accounts for only 1,998 asylum requests per one million citizens, as reported by the Austrian APA news agency.

The interior ministry then expressed its support for Doskozil’s proposal and said that it “absolutely agrees with the content [of the proposal] and approves” it. However, later, Sobotka emphasized that he would support the move only if Kern would discuss the issue with Brussels and the proposal itself would undergo a legal review.

However, Austria’s move has already provoked an angry reaction in Brussels, which urged Vienna to comply with its commitments under the program, adding that no country can withdraw from the refugee quota system without consequences.

This is a pretty major problem for the Fat Mama.

She’s been touting the idea that Poland, Hungary and others in the East refusing to accept their rage-rape quota are simply a bunch of backwardass racist scumbags.

And this is considered plausible by most people in the West of Europe. Because while they talk about how anti-racist they are, they are really just anti-white, and so have no problem indulging in stereotypes about Eastern Europe (Germans are comfortable viewing Romanians the way New Yorkers view Arkansans).

But it’s hard to paint Austria like that.

muffugguh we be hangry n sheet we nees dem shites u got gibs dem

This pretty much changes the whole game.

All of these terrorists are just going to have to remain in Germany – the country that invited them.

Austria should build a wall.