Austria: Six Years for “Sexual Emergency” Migrant Rapist of 10-Year-Old Boy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 16, 2016

Filthy Arab

He has a different culture, and we must respect that. In his culture, it is normal to rape little boys. All cultures are exactly equal to each other.

An Austrian court has sentenced the innocent victim who raped a 10-year-old boy at the swimming pool to six years in prison.

The Local:

A man who raped a ten-year-old boy in a toilet cubicle at a swimming pool in Vienna last December has been sentenced to six years in jail.

Twenty-year-old Amir A., an asylum seeker from Iraq who is married with a child of his own, initially claimed to police that it was a “sexual emergency” when he attacked the schoolboy.

He pleaded guilty in court in Austria in April and was sentenced to six years on Tuesday for the serious sexual abuse of a minor and rape. The sentence is not yet legally binding.

The defendant could have received possible jail time of up to 15 years but received six years due to his young age, the fact he had no previous convictions, and what the court called “unfavourable life conditions”.

Yes, yes, of course – we have to consider the suffering he’s suffered. Both from the brutal civil war in Iraq and from all of the racism that he’s experienced in Germany at the hands of the Nazis.

The victim, who is suffering serious psychological problems following the attack, was also awarded €4,730 in damages.

Amir A., who left Iraq where he worked as a taxi driver in August 2015, told the court that he had “wanted to build a future for myself and my family”, according to the Kurier.

Although initially heading to Sweden, he eventually claimed asylum in Austria and was placed in refugee accommodation in Hietzing.

He carried out the attack last December at the Theresienbad swimming pool in Vienna’s Meidling area.

The young boy was swimming at the pool by himself and had befriended a 15-year-old boy, who was with the Iraqi man.

When the youngster went off to the showers after his swim the 20-year-old followed him and pushed the boy into a toilet cubicle, where he assaulted him.

The mother of the victim, who arrived in Austria herself as an immigrant from Serbia during the civil war says she regrets teaching her five children to offer the same hospitality to new arrivals that she had herself received.

Yes, Serbian immigrants weren’t big on sodomizing little boys.

However, we know from the Nirvana Fallacy that if this little boy wouldn’t have been sodomized by this Arab, a White British man would have done it.

Now, you might say, “six years? that doesn’t seem like much time for brutally sodomizing a little boy.”

Well friend, consider it this way: Ernst Zundel only received five years for the worst crime of all crimes – Holocaust denial. So the German government (yes, basically the same thing as the Austrian government) literally considers sodomizing a little boy exactly 20% worse than questioning the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

You’d better believe they’re serious about the ongoing problem of migrants sodomizing little White boys.