Austria: Teenage Girl Goes Alone into the Woods to Get Drunk with Migrant, is Shocked by Rape

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2016


They’re just exactly the same as we are… except I think it is maybe reasonable to believe you can meet a White man for a drink without getting raped.

Maybe it isn’t really that smart for White girls to be dating these “migrants”?

It’s almost like maybe the governments of Europe are giving girls the wrong idea these “migrants” and should actually be warning them of the dangers they present?


An 18 year old Austrian woman was “rushed to hospital” in the early hours of this morning after a drink with an Afghan stranger she met on a train turned into a sex attack.

Private security staff in Vienna’s Prater park rushed to the aid of a young woman in distress this morning around 02:30 o’clock after they heard cries for help. The 18-year-old victim had been raped on a park bench by a 21-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan, who is now in police custody.

The woman had met the man while on the train into central Vienna. Austria’s Krone newspaper replicated part of the police report, in which the victim said: “We got talking and decided to buy some alcohol to drink at the Prater park. We then sat down on the main avenue through the park on a bench”.

The man later became violent and attacked the woman from behind, raping her until she was able to escape and call for help, “screaming and crying”. It was at this point the private security guards who patrol the park came to the woman’s aid, and detained the 21 year old migrant until police could arrive.

At the time of his arrest, the man was found to be carrying a quantity of forged money, and marijuana. He is being kept in pre-trial custody.

Home of the famous Ferris wheel featured in the classic 1949 film-noir The Third Man, Vienna’s Prater park is a major tourist attraction for the city. The rape of a young woman in a popular nightspot without security realising until after her escape from the assailant will likely cause concern in the city, especially following the recent migrant rape attacks in a number of European cities on new year’s eve.

This is officially a crisis. And feminism is at the root of this crisis.

There is absolutely no doubt that this girl who thought it was a great idea to go to a park at night and drink alcohol with a random Afghani was one of the women out there shilling for the invasion, shouting down everyone who was like “no wait this is completely insane” and calling them Nazis.


If you tell a child they can eat whatever they want, they will eat nothing but candy. Then they will get sick. That is what we’ve done with women, allowing them to make decisions. They called in millions of monkeys from the world over, now they’re getting mass-raped.

Feminism is not a defect in women. It is the natural outcome of men failing to control the behavior of women.

We let them loose and now they’re getting mass-raped, and need our help. And we should help. We should protect them. We should avoid “you stupid slut, this is what you deserve!”-type thinking.

Instead, we should be compassionate, and understand that pretty well every teenage girl who is told she can do whatever she wants, after being inundated her entire life with Jewish propaganda, will go into the woods alone to get drunk with an Afghani man and then be completely shocked by the surprise sex.

If you told a 2-year-old to eat whatever he wants, and he ate only candy and got sick, you wouldn’t say to the child “you stupid brat, this is what you deserve!”

Would you?

Let us do away with the “sluts get what they deserve” meme.

It isn’t helpful.