Austria: Thousands March Against Burka Ban

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2017

The burka is a tribal, racial symbol.

This has nothing to do with women’s rights, on either side. Even the whites who seek to ban the burka don’t do it because they care about the rights of the women, or for security reasons – they do it because it is a symbol of open racial hostility when these women wear this bag in public in a western country.

Of course, anyone who thinks banning the burka does anything is an assimilationist, who thinks that if we force these people to abandon their racial symbols, they’ll adapt to our society. Which is wrong.

At the same time, I support anything that agitates these monkeys.


Some 3,000 Muslim women and their supporters marched in Vienna protesting government plans to impose ban on wearing full-face veils in public places.

The protest in front of Austria’s Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs was staged on Saturday by the Network Muslim Civil Society (NMZ) organization in cooperation with some other Muslim associations.

The protesters marched under slogan “MuslimBanAustria: My body – My right of self-determination!” claiming that the full-face veil is an instrument of women “self-empowerment.”

The burka is a symbol of female self-empowerment.

That really is the cutest liberal argument yet.

It’s my personal favorite.

Obviously, the purpose of the burka is the opposite – it is to ensure women don’t have any power in society. Because let’s be honest, fam – the only potential power a woman has is her body. Women are not smart or intellectual, and they are not physically strong, and all things being equal, they aren’t going to have a lot of their own money.

So literally, the only power that a woman has is sex power, and the purpose of the burka is to negate that power.

They do this because unlike idiot whites, Moslems are aware that giving even a little bit of power to women will plant the seed for the collapse of your society.

Moslems may be dumb, but they’re not stupid.

Before the march started, one of organizers ordered the male supporters to go into the end of the procession, since it was a “women event.”

“Since we’re marching forward as a women’s block: we first!” she said.

The protesters carried various placards, many of which were in English presumably to appeal to international audience. Some of them read “Against racism & sexism,” “Islamophobia is not freedom” and “Hijab is a personal experience.”

The crowd chanted “We are here and we are loud, because you steal our freedom!” and “Hey, minister! Hands off my sister!”

Some of the non-Muslim protesters said that they attended the event out of solidarity to resist the “rise of Donald Trump” which, according to them, constitutes the triumph of “anti-Muslim racism” and endangers all the gains of the feminist movement.


Austria’s ruling coalition announced plans to ban all Muslim face veils in public places, which came as a part of the new “integration law” on Monday. The measures are expected to be implemented before the next parliamentary elections in 2018.

“We believe in an open society that is also based on open communication. Full-body veils in public spaces stand against that and will therefore be prohibited,” text of the plan read.

Yeah, well.

Good luck with that.

Who knows. Maybe you’ll be the first society ever – after a thousand and a half years – to successfully integrate Moslems.

Could be.