Austrian Chancellor Loses No Confidence Vote After Russian Hoax Scandal

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2019

We still don’t know who staged the hoaxed Russian scandal.

But the Austrian Chancellor – who is moderately right-wing and anti-immigration – is going down for it.


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has lost a no confidence vote in parliament following corruption allegations involving his now ex-vice chancellor. The scandal earlier led to the breakup of the coalition government.

The motion was brought to Austria’s lower house of parliament by Peter Pilz, an environmentalist MP, and unanimously supported by the left-wing Social Democrats (SPO) and the right-wing Freedom Party (FPO).

Austrian President Alexander Van Der Bellen will now appoint a caretaker chancellor to lead the country until fresh elections can be held in September. Last Wednesday, Van Der Bellen swore in a mix of politicians and technocrats to fill ministerial roles vacated by the FPO recently.

The ruling coalition between Kurz’s conservative People’s Party (OVP) and the FPO was rocked by the scandal on May 17. Back then, German media published a video showing vice chancellor and FPO leader Heinz-Christian Strache allegedly soliciting a bribe from a woman who “supposedly” was a niece of a Russian tycoon.

Strache resigned following the scandal in order to not “damage” the coalition. He slammed the video as a “targeted political assassination,” saying the released parts were taken out of context. Kurz swiftly distanced himself from the junior coalition partner and called for snap elections as the only way to “restore trust in public institutions.”

The 32-year-old chancellor also proposed the sacking of the interior minister, Herbert Kickl, who, as Kurz put it, was unfit to lead a probe into his party’s leader. Kickl’s departure was followed by a walkout of FPO ministers. Five out of 13 ministers in Kurz’s government left their positions.

In the wake of Monday’s no confidence motion, speculation will now turn to whether Kurz can claw his way back into power in September. In 2002, then-Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel survived a no confidence vote only to solidify his power in the following election. For Kurz, the chances of returning to office could be significantly slimmer.

As far as I can tell, what with my English language reading, there is not even an investigation into the video, which featured Strache talking in a casual setting with a woman claiming to be a rich Russian.

In all likelihood, the entire thing was set up by the German media, probably working with German intelligence. And surely, that sort of thing is illegal.

Merkel immediately jumped in after the tape was published by the German media, suggesting that she herself was probably involved.

But the only thing we are hearing about is the fallout.

What we can say for sure is that the Jews that run the EU are going to start pulling out all the stops to clamp down on dissent. After this election we just saw, they’re absolutely going to release hell.