Austrian Identitarians Charged Criminally for Being Against White Genocide

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2018

This is all spiraling out of control so fast.

Isn’t it, Jews?

The Local:

Austrian prosecutors announced criminal charges Monday against 17 members of the far-right “Identitarian Movement” (IBÖ) connected to several of the group’s activities in recent years.

The state prosecutor in the city of Graz said 10 prominent members of the group and seven other “active sympathisers” were being charged with various counts of hate speech, criminal association, damage to property and coercion.

The charges follow raids last month at the houses of several members of the group, including one of its leaders Martin Sellner.

You remember Sellner.

Brittany Pettibone’s bf.

He was recently banned from the UK, and is one of the top guys organizing the identitarian movement across Europe.

Great guy. He’s only 29.

The group has staged several stunts in recent years to publicise what prosectors called its “xenophobic ideology”.

One such event cited by prosecutors was an incident in March 2017 where members gained access to the roof of the Turkish embassy and hung a banner from it bearing the slogan: “Erdogan, take your Turks back home”.

Another example from June 2016 is mentioned in which members stormed the stage during a talk on refugee policy at Klagenfurt University and unrolled banners reading “Stop Immigration” and “Integration is a lie”.

What is happening cannot be stopped with laws.

The only way the situation of white revolt can be changed is by altering the conditions which created the white revolt.

If the conditions are not changed, then prosecuting and imprisoning people for resisting forced diversity is like trying to put out a house fire with a squirt gun.

A squirt gun filled with gasoline.

Because really, this stuff always backfires. It just proves the point: we are being oppressed. The people flooding our countries to live on welfare, steal our women, rob and attack us on the streets, shoot us and blow us up are not the “victims.”

We are the victims.

We are the people who are having our homes take from us by an invading army.

The idiotic idea of the Jew/antifa ruling establishment is that if they can silence dissidents, then the ideas will not be spread. That they can contain it, like a fire. But the fire is starting in the minds of individuals. No one who has not already had uncomfortable experiences comes to the far right, pro-white movement simply because they stumbled across the ideas and content. They already have had these experiences, and when they find the movement they find that others are confirming their own existing feelings and experiences.

The outlawing of ideas is a desperate, last-gasp effort by the establishment to maintain control.

The same with releasing an army of brainwashed drug-addict thugs to attack us on the street in the form of these “antifa” groups.

And ultimately, this desperation on the part of the machine feeds the fire.

Because the suppression proves the point.

It makes people angry and it strengthens resolve.