Daily Slave
February 15, 2015

In an article called “Black Brains Matter: Why Graduation Rates Are So Low?” republished on Yahoo News, an author struggles to determine why so few Black males graduate high school relative to White males.
The answer is very simple. Blacks on average are not as intelligent as Whites. This is an obvious fact based upon their achievements as a people and their behavior which can be quite deranged at times.
Despite this, the author tries to come up with all sorts of abstract reasons to explain away the low negro graduation rate. It is truly funny.
Below is a blurb from the article. Even funnier than the article itself are the comments under the article where the vast majority of comments appear to be from angry White people. Most of them seem to be sick of articles like this making excuses for the fact that a large number of Black people are fundamentally retarded.
If education is an escalator to lift people from poverty, young African American males are languishing at the bottom level. Only about 60 percent of them will earn high school diplomas, and roughly four in 10 drop out before graduation day. That’s compared with a 65-percent graduation rate for Latino males and 80 percent for young white men.
Meanwhile, the graduation gap between young black men and their white peers has grown even wider, jumping about 10 percent in a little over a year.
Those are just some of the sobering takeaways from the 10th biannual Schott Foundation report on the state of African American males in public education. The report’s authors examined national data on high school completion rates during the 2012–2013 academic year. They found that although the overall graduation rate for black males has grown to 59 percent—up from 51 percent in the previous 2010–2011 survey—they are least likely of all demographic groups to graduate from high school in 35 of 47 states and the District of Columbia.