Autistic Chess Move: Germany Closes Border

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2015

The final happening has begun.
The final happening has begun. The happening which shall end all happenings.

One thing I know for an absolute fact is that Angela Merkel is intent on committing a complete genocide against the people of Germany. I also know for a fact that a significant portion of the German population (especially those of the fairer sex) support this, entirely.

Of course, the entirety of international Jewry – which is obviously much more influential in geopolitics than Merkel or a horde of stupid bitches crying about Beach Boy – is deadset on destroying the German race so that they never again have to worry about the thing they fear more than anything else in the universe:

hitler heil

Knowing all of this, when I hear “Germany has enacted border checks” I don’t think “oh well, that stupid bitch pushed it too far and now she’s backtracking for the sake of not completely destroying Germany,” I think “this is yet another autistic chess move by a bunch of kikes who think they are a lot smarter than they actually are.”

Washington Post:

Facing an unstaunchable flood of migrants and refugees, Germany on Sunday said it was reaching a breaking point and would implement emergency controls on its border with Austria, temporarily suspending train service and conducting highway checks along the main pipeline for thousands seeking sanctuary in Western Europe.

Berlin says the emergency on its southeastern border is a question of national security. Germany has thus far stepped in to take in the most asylum seekers of any European Union nation, but its ability to aid refugees is being tested amid a record surge of 40,000 migrants over the weekend — from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, among other countries. Officials in the overwhelmed state of Bavaria, for instance, declared they have run out of space to house refugees.

Coupled with an expected move by Hungary on Tuesday to reinforce its southern border with Serbia, the German action suggested that migrants may now face tougher barriers as they seek safety and hope.

So much for journalistic objectivity, huh WaPo?

Martin Baron, Editor of the Washington Post and Jewish ethnic activist.
Martin Baron, Editor of the Washington Post and Jewish ethnic activist.

This paper keeps getting crazier. I am watching it in real time. It is literally going to be The Guardian of America.


The aim of this measure is to restrict the current flow to Germany and to return to an orderly procedure of immigration,” German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said Sunday. He implied that many asylum seekers were trying to reach Germany because of its generous refugee benefits and seemed to fault other European nations for not stepping up to do more: “Asylum seekers have to accept that they cannot just choose the member state of the European Union granting them protection.”

This comes the day after Faymann said Orban was treating “refugees” like Hitler treated the Jews.

This is pure idiocy, what they have just done. They had the option of just continuing to pour resources into housing and feeding these people – Germany has the money and their own people have proven they aren’t going to do anything to stop it.

Instead they are trying – apparently – to force the crisis to intensify in Austria and Hungary (etc.)? I see that this is meant to be a punishment, and a bullying, but do they really think they can keep pushing these people?

Orban appears to be a cuck, ready to do whatever swallow whatever Merkel feeds him while talking out of the other side of his body about how he supports Europe. But Hungary could well be facing a coup if this goes on much longer. Probably not a very organized one.

But this is an idiot move on Germany’s part. Again, these Jews think they are smarter than they actually are. This officially abolishes Shengen, which was already basically abolished on September 5th when they let the hordes march directly to Austria.

This will be remembered as the day that killed the EU. And yeah, the economy is going to collapse because of it.

And then these millions of Moslems already inside our base are going to start with the asymmetrical warfare, on a large scale.

And then, and only then…


…the man comes around.

And this time, I promise you, dear brothers:

There aren’t going to be any camps.