Aw Sheeit Dat Dun Wite Cracka PoPo Dun Tell Dat Nigga He Gon Shoot Her

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2018

So after being extremely stupid and highly African, a car full of dindus was pulled over by police.

While continuing to be African, one of the Blacks annoyed the cop giving commands enough for him to say “Act like we are going to shoot you” to make the negress comply.

This entire video is funny to me because we have another sheboon recording this and speaking in a highly stereotypical manner.


Video of a white Texas cop making a racially insensitive remark to an unarmed black woman has gone viral on social media.

In video of the Saturday incident, which you can watch below, a bystander records a group of Houston cops with weapons drawn surrounding a small SUV.

Around the 2:24 mark, after ordering two people out of the vehicle, a white officer tells a black woman in the back seat to step out and raise her hands above her head. When the woman apparently doesn’t raise her hands to his satisfaction, the officer makes what could be construed as a threat.

“Pretend like we’re going to shoot you,” the cop yells over a loudspeaker at about 2:37.

“Why would you say that?” the woman filming wonders aloud.

The last passenger to exit the vehicle appears to be injured and can be seen using a crutch to limp toward the officers. When he finally reaches them, an officer grabs the crutch and tosses it aside.

At the end of the video, which lasts about six and a half minutes, an officer is seen driving off in the SUV. It’s not clear why the vehicle didn’t get towed, as is typical in such situations.