Awesome Pussy Tape Won-Over Millions of Democrats

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 13, 2016


Everyone involved in the kike media is acting like “oh my god, this pussy tape, wow, I can’t even.” However, most people think it is awesome, a recent poll by SurveyMonkey showed.

While 80% do not care, a full 8% of Republicans have said the tape makes them more supportive of Trump. More interesting, however, is the fact that 1% of Democrats are more likely to support Trump because this pussy tape was so BOSS.

And considering that this poll has a 3% margin of error, this means that up to 4% of Democrats have a better view of Trump because he grabs pussy. That’s one of every 25 Democrats – millions of people – that has probably just switched sides because they realize that Hillary Clinton is a stupid bitch and Trump is STRAIGHT GANGSTA.

This fits the eternal rule of memes: every anti-Trump meme automatically becomes a pro-Trump meme.

So the kikes are like: “HAHA GOT YOU GOYIM, TRUMP GRABS PUSSY!”

But then it’s just like: “das rite.”

This pussy tape may well clinch a Trump victory.