Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 13, 2015

The top chief of Iran stated an obvious fact on Thursday: the sick and weird letter sent to him by the Republikikes is clear evidence that Washington is “disintegrating” from within.
I said that same thing earlier this week. I would go so far as to say that the letter is evidence that Washington has already completely disintegrated. The fact is that America has become so ridiculous, it is becoming difficult to satirize without saying “this is satire.”
The letter reads like complete satire – when I first read it, I assumed it was some type of hoax.
The goofy dork who penned the letter – which was signed by all the top Republican crazies, including Ted Cruzin for Tacos and Rand Paulberg – Tom Cotton went on Fox News and Megyn Kelly literally laughed in his face. There was a time when Fox News was mocked for being ridiculous – now they are the voice of reason, apparently.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, said the letter warning that any nuclear deal could be scrapped by a new president was “a sign of a decline in political ethics and the destruction of the American establishment from within.” The statement was posted on his website.
Ayatollah Khamenei, who will have the final say in Iran over a nuclear deal, characterized the open letter written by 47 Republican senators on Monday as a reflection of Washington’s decadence.
“All countries, according to the international norms, remain faithful to their commitments even after their governments change, but the American senators are officially announcing that at the end of the term of their current government, their commitments will be considered null and void,” Ayatollah Khamenei wrote.Most surprising perhaps was the fact that Ayatollah Khamenei appeared to continue to support the nuclear talks, despite the Republicans’ threats that they, or a possible Republican president in 2017, would try to undo any deal made.
Wait, why is that surprising? You New York Times people expected a foreign government to take seriously a letter which reads like it was written by a special-ed fourth grader?
Ayatollah Khamenei has often expressed doubts about American intentions and sincerity in the negotiations, but on Thursday he supported Iran’s negotiating team, as he has frequently in recent weeks. Speaking to members of the Assembly of Experts, a council that theoretically has the constitutional authority to appoint and dismiss the supreme leader, he called them “good and caring people, who work for the country.”
In Iran, as in the United States, conservatives tend to distrust the other side in the negotiations and are thought to prefer that the whole effort come to nothing. But as long as the supreme leader is voicing support for the talks, criticism from the hard-liners will be muted.
Again, I want to state that while the Republican letter goes deep into a level of heavy weirdness that has hitherto been unknown, the talks in and of themselves are completely bizarre. No intelligence agency believes Iran will actually develop a nuclear weapon, and even if they did, it wouldn’t matter.

If Iran was able to send a nuke to Israel – which even if they had a nuke, they wouldn’t be able to do – every city in Iran would immediately be bombed. Probably 2/3rds of their population would be killed in a matter of hours.
So, there is no reason they would do that. It only makes sense if you believe they are completely suicidally insane, and watching them and listening to their statements, you are able to see they are not insane.
None of it is any of our business.