AYO HOL UP: Syria Shoots at Israeli Jets Over Lebanon, Israel Bombs Syria in Response

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 16, 2017

The Jews are extremely uncomfortable with the nearing of the end of the Syrian war, which is a result of the Russian effort and Donald Trump’s refusal to escalate the situation.

And now, for the first time – even though it’s the end of the war – the Jews are provoking Syria into open conflict.

I don’t think this is a coincidence.

Fox News:

The Israeli military said on Monday that it struck and destroyed an anti-aircraft battery deep in Syria after it had opened fire on Israeli jets flying over Lebanon — the first such incident of Syrian forces targeting Israeli planes since the civil war began in 2011.

Military spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said Israeli planes were on a routine reconnaissance mission near the Lebanese-Syrian border when they came under fire. They were not hit and returned to base safely.

In response, Israel hit a Syrian anti-aircraft battery about 30 miles east of Damascus and “incapacitated” it, he said.

Russian forces in Syria were notified in real time, Conricus said, adding that Israel holds Syria responsible for any attack from its territory. Israel has largely stayed out of the fighting in Syria but it has carried out dozens of airstrikes on alleged arms shipments bound for Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.

But such a strike deep in Syrian territory is highly unusual.

Conricus said Israel has no interest in destabilizing the situation but says the military will “preserve our ability to act and thwart” any hostile activity against it.

Israel has bombed Syria over 100 times in the last five years, but I’m not aware of them ever striking 30 miles east of Damascus. And the timing of such an extreme act is concerning.

So yes.

This is most certainly a happening.

There was always sort of this looming question of how Israel would deal with a settlement of a Middle East conflict that was not to their liking. However, the concept of Russia being in the conflict has not been a factor in any of these previous situations.

If it were not for Russia, Assad wouldn’t be winning. However, if somehow that was happening, Israel would not be hesitating to simply start bombing on a large scale in support of terrorists in the region.

But they can’t do that with Russia there. They’re not going to fight that war. They would need the US to do that, and the US is run by a man named Donald J. Trump who – for all of his rhetoric about war – has made it clear he isn’t going to do that.

So, is this an isolated incident?

It will be interesting to hear Syria comment on whether they actually shot at Israeli planes. And also their comment on how “routine” of a location the Israeli planes were flying over.

RT is usually the first in English to give reliable statements from Syria (the Arabic media is like 97% fake news, on any subject), and they don’t have anything up yet in their article about this, so I’m gonna assume Syria hasn’t commented.

Israel’s hands are tied here. Period. There is nothing they can do. Except, technically, they can do whatever they want.

If they force Russia to shoot at their jets – then what?