Daily Stormer
July 19, 2014

Only a few weeks after Duck Dynasty‘s Phil Robertson caused controversy with his anti-homosexual remarks, another reality TV star will soon be pressured by the fag lobby to apologize for his “insensitivity”.
Juan Pablo Galavis, star of The Bachelor, was recently asked if homosexuals should appear on the program. He responded:
No. Just ’cause I respect them but, honestly, I don’t think it’s a good example for kids to watch that on TV. It’s hard, it’s hard, it’s a very thin line…It’s a scale; where do you put it on the scale, where’s the thin line to cross or not? You have to respect everybody’s desires, opinions and way of living. But it would be too hard for TV. There’s this thing about gay people — it seems to me, I don’t know if I’m mistaken or not — I have a lot of friends like that, but they’re more pervert in a sense. To me, the show would be too strong, too hard to watch on TV.
We can see that Galavis is still relatively tolerant of the homosexual perversion, but is simply a few steps behind the current wave of political correctness. Galavis’ position of “homosexuals are weird but should nevertheless be respected” was a progressive way of thinking a few decades ago, but now anything short of fawning admiration for the most freakish, AIDS-stricken queers is seen as vile bigotry.
Given that Galavis lacks the strong Christian faith of Phil Robertson, it is not surprising that he has already made a perfunctory apology, claiming that his statements were “taken out of context”.