Bad Apples Try to Bomb a Bus in Poland

Daily Stormer
May 19, 2016

The main problem with bushels of apples is that every one has a few bad apples.

Millions of Islamic immigrants are no different than apple bushels.


An explosive device has detonated at a bus stop in Wroclaw, western Poland. The package was a cooker containing nails and explosives, and was seconds away from exploding inside a bus before the driver took it outside.

The incident took place on Kosciuszko street and the bus in question was no. 145, the local fire brigade reported. “The driver took the package out, followed by the explosion,” they told the press.

One person has been slightly injured by shrapnel, according to Agnieszka Korzeniowska, a spokesperson for the Municipal Transport Company.

Witnesses reported seeing what looked like a cooker nesting inside the suspicious package. They promptly told the driver, who acted on the information. It is Polish regulation that the driver immediately takes any suspicious packages outside at the first sign of danger.

According to Gazeta Wroclawska, the blast was not powerful. Any remaining explosive material was neutralized, so there is no risk of a repeat explosion.

According to, a man in a hood entered the bus, abandoned a plastic bag and left. All the buses belonging to the operator ‘Michalczewski’ are equipped with CCTV, and the tape is currently with the police.