Bad Goy Alert: Czech Politician Demands Islam be Crushed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 21, 2016


Bad goy alert!

Shut it down!


Islam is a “criminal” ideology which deserves to be ranked with “Nazism, fascism and communism”, is “incompatible with the principles of European law” and, like its totalitarian predecessors, must inevitably be defeated.

So argues Czech lawyer, activist and politician Klára Samková in a hard hitting lecture she delivered earlier this week in the Czech Parliament to an audience including (some rather bemused) ambassadors from Muslim countries – including the Turkish ambassador who, with several others, walked out half way through.

Her speech – translated here by Luboš Motl – is well worth reading because it addresses issues almost never aired in polite circles in Western democracies, which find it convenient to dismiss them as extremist or Islamophobic or needlessly inflammatory.

Is Islam compatible with Western democracy? Is it capable of reform? Can this end happily?

Samková’s prognosis, on all three counts, is bleak.

The problem with Islam, she argues, is that it’s not so much a religion as a “totalitarian system of governance”. Unlike Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism or Shintoism, the religious aspect is secondary to the legal one.

Seriously, how is it possible that all these Western leaders defend Islam, even while it is the exact opposite of their declared value system?

I mean, check it:

  • Women wear bags
  • Polygamy
  • Child marriage
  • Execution of homosexuals
  • No democracy
  • Global conquest and subjugation of all who disagree
  • Sex slavery
  • Limitless violence for any reason
  • Legalized rape
  • Genital mutilation (girls and boys)
  • Bizarre religious superstitions
  • Honor killings
  • Religion as state

And that is just a quick list. You could go on and on and on. Every aspect of the religion and the legal system it is attached to is the opposite of what the liberal establishment tells us is good.

What this proves is that the establishment doesn’t really believe their own liberal gibberish. The liberal gibberish is just a weapon against Whites. Because Islam is a more efficient weapon against Whites, the liberal gibberish is being thrown out in favor of Islam.

How could this all be any more obvious?
