Bad Problem for Nice Lady in Poland

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2017

Everywhere in the world, they are going to bring Negroes and give your women over to them.

And by “they,” I of course mean “the Jews” AKA “the rat kikes.”

She’s deleted the videos now. I don’t know if they’re uploaded elsewhere.

The nog left before the baby was even born.

Here the beautiful creature is, by the way:

What you need to understand, friend, is that there is no pure white paradise to run to. At least not on earth.

And there is no white female population who will not cuck their men, soon as they are given the chance. If you go to party places in Thailand or the Mediterranean,  you will even see Russian women leaving the club with Arabs and niggers.

White women are driven to cuck their men by any means necessary, unless you keep a boot on their throats.

That is why so many people are saying that “anti-WHITE SHARIA” is a codeword for “anti-White.”

We have to put these bitches in check – and we have to do it at an extremely rapid pace.