Daily Stormer
May 17, 2015

Following the forced apology of an American-Ape who said “White masculinity” was the only problem in America, a British-Paki Student Union official who said she can’t be racist for banning Whites and men from a diversity event is feeling the pressure as a petition is organized to force her out.
A war is a series of battles, brothers. And we are now winning some of these battles.
A welfare and diversity officer caught up in a racism row could potentially lose her job for tweeting the words “kill all white men” and calling people “white trash”.
Goldsmiths University’s officer, Bahar Mustafa has been at the centre of a media storm after banning white men from an event on diversifying the curriculum and stating on camera ethnic minority women cannot be racist.
Students have now started a petition for a vote of no confidence in Ms Mustafa, which would remove her from office.
The petition reads: “The current Welfare and Diversity Officer has used hate speech based on race and gender.
“For example, the consistent use of hashtags such as #killallwhitemen and #misandry, and publicly calling someone ‘white trash’ under the official GSU Welfare and Diversity Officer Twitter account.”
The petition also accuses her of making students “feel intimidated, unsupported, and unrepresented.”
In Ms Mustafa’s response, she explained the use of her language as a joke between friends.
She said: “These are in-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves – it’s a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women, people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily.
“These are not political stances.
“However, in regards to calling someone ‘white trash’ under my official GSU Welfare and Diversity twitter account, I can accept it was not professional and I apologise for this.”
If three per cent of Goldsmiths Student Union members sign the petition, a vote of no confidence will be held in Ms Mustafa.
Looks like we got this one in the bag.
We can move on to the next non-White whore who believes she has a right to rule over us in the countries we built.