Baltimore: Black Rapist Surrenders After Burger King Hostage Situation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2016


When I heard this story about a rapist fleeing police and taking hostages in a Burger King, I said to myself “must be a White guy, or perhaps a Chinaman.” Imagine my shock when it turned out it was a Black.

In every situation in this disgusting, racist nation they call “America,” Blacks are the victims and White cops are evil.

Except like, when a Black rapist takes a bunch of hostages at gun point in a Burger King and the police negotiate his surrender.

Then maybe the cops aren’t so bad.

But in every other situation, they’re pure evil.

Washington Post:

A rape suspect who took four people, including a 7-year-old girl, hostage at gunpoint in a Burger King here Sunday surrendered after five hours of negotiations, police said.

An aunt of the youngest hostage said she talked to the alleged gunman at the request of police negotiators and persuaded him to throw his gun out a window and give up.

“He was crying and said he didn’t want to die,” said the aunt, Danielle Montgomery, 32, a bus driver with the Maryland Transit Administration.

Baltimore police would not confirm her account, but they said several relatives of the gunman and the hostages helped police during the five-hour ordeal at the restaurant in the 1700 block of Washington Boulevard in southwest Baltimore.

Authorities did not immediately identify the suspect.

Police said the incident began about 11 a.m. when an officer spotted a man wanted on an arrest warrant in Northwest Baltimore.

The officer tried to stop the man’s vehicle, but he sped off, police said. The officer chased the man until the car crashed into another vehicle on Washington Boulevard near Monroe Street. The suspect then ran into the Burger King, carrying a gun, Baltimore police spokesman T.J. Smith said.

The 39-year-old owner of a 7-Eleven next to the Burger King said he heard the crash that ended the chase and along with his workers ran outside to help.

By that time, he said, the gunman had already run inside the restaurant “and police were swarming” the building and the car.

Police said that inside the restaurant the gunman encountered the 7-year-old girl, a 17-year-old employee, a 25-year-old manager and a 67-year-old customer. The girl is related to an employee at the store.

Smith said the gunman released the teenager at 1:45 p.m. and the 67-year-old at 2:20 p.m. Over the hours, police brought in caravans of officers from neighboring jurisdictions, many wearing tactical gear and carrying long guns, along with several armored vehicles. Authorities set up a command post in a building that houses state offices.

Smith said that when police officials learned of the hostage situation and that a little girl was among them, “Our collective hearts dropped.”

Of course, there are bound to be a few rapist hostage-takers in any bushel.

The fact remains, however, that all Black people are victims of Whites.