Baltimore Teenaper Found Guilty of Running Over Woman Cop with His Stolen Jeep

Dawnta Harris and Amy Caprio.

This is the fruit of feminism, folks: a new generation of strong and independent she-cops who believe they can survive the primate-riddled streets of places like Baboontimore, Apelanta, Gorilladelphia, Chimpcongo and Nig York.

Reality hit this she-cop particularly hard.


The jury in the trial of Dawnta Harris has returned a verdict, finding him guilty of murder in the death of a Baltimore County police officer.

Harris, 17, was tried as an adult, accused of running over Baltimore County police Officer Amy Caprio in a stolen Jeep in May 2018, killing her.

The jury convicted Harris believing he participated in at least one burglary and was behind the wheel of the stolen Jeep.

Here’s how the verdict was returned Wednesday morning:

Guilty on count one, first-degree burglary

Not guilty on count two, first-degree burglary

Guilty of felony murder in death of Caprio

Not guilty of fourth-degree burglary

Guilty of theft involving the taking of the black Jeep

“I’m glad we were able to begin getting justice for Amy,” Baltimore County Assistant State’s Attorney Zarena Sita said.

Sentencing is set for July 23. Prosecutors said they plan to ask for a life sentence.