Bangladesh: 20 Dead in ISIS Attack

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2016


It seems Pakis are not good at hostage negotiation.

You aren’t supposed to rush the hostage takers with tanks, I don’t think.


Bangladeshi forces stormed a Dhaka cafe where up to 10 gunmen had taken dozens of people hostage, killing 20. Thirteen others were rescued and 6 gunmen were killed by police. Islamic State has taken responsibility for the attack.

“The operation is over and the situation is under control,” army spokesman Colonel Rashidul Hasan told Reuters.

“And by under control, I mean everyone is dead lol.”

At around 8 am, following a 13-hour siege and failed negotiations with the terrorists, over 100 heavily armed Bangladeshi forces launched an operation to free the people being held inside the upscale cafe in Dhaka’s diplomatic district.

It has been reported that Italian, Japanese and Indian nationals were among the hostages. Italy’s ambassador to Bangladesh, Mario Palma, confirmed the reports, saying that seven Italians were inside the cafe.

But we don’t know if they were actual Italians or just Pakis with Italian citizenship, because no distinction is made between those things anymore.

“Intense” gunfire and two massive blasts were heard from the Dhaka restaurant, according to police, though it is unclear what caused the explosions.

Paki #1: o shit bro, shit is blowing up bro, wtf bro

Paki #2: I no bro, whoa bro

According to a Japanese government spokesman, some 12 people have been rescued, but he did not specify whether they were foreigners. By Saturday morning, it was still unclear how many people are still in the cafe, or what their condition is.

Shortly after reports about the hostage-taking started to surface, Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

One of the attackers was armed with a sword, and the others carried guns, an employee of a nearby cafe told RT. He estimated the number of hostages as at least 30.

A kitchen worker who managed to escape the building said the attackers chanted “Allahu Akbar.”

“They blew up several crude bombs, causing wide-scale panic among everyone. I managed to flee during this confusion,” he said, according to The Daily Star, a Bangladeshi English-language newspaper.

Later, ISIS posted graphic photos claiming that those were pictures of dead foreigners killed in the assault on the cafe.

Every single day we have one of these fun events.

But still, European women are demanding more of these monkeys flood their countries.

What is to be done?