Banned British National Party Political Broadcast

Daily Stormer
May 10, 2014

Still from the video showing filthy Moslims perving at a White schoolgirl.

This has been banned from being shown on the BBC. They did the same to Britain First yesterday and pulled their party political broadcast from BBC Scotland.

Its a shame the BNP start the video off by misquoting Nigel Farage as it just makes them seem dishonest, whereas Britain First offering to help UKIP with their security issues, has made them look honorable and loyal to other patriots.

The BNP are the only British political party that are talking about White genocide and racial issues, as well as the rape-jihad, whereas the other parties highlight immigration and religious and cultural differences. All of them have more loyalty to the British people than the Lib/Lab/Con, but many people will just not vote for the BNP on principle.

I think Horus the White Rabbit had a hand in making this video, the animation is excellent.