Daily Stormer
April 9, 2017
What we really need is a Bannonification of the White house. A Bannonbonanza, so to speak.
We’re hearing conflicting messages from every quarter. Last week the mainstream media was reporting that Bannon was on the verge of quitting, now this week there was non-stop coverage about the conflicts between Bannon and Kushner, with editorials hinting that Bannon was on his way out.
What’s true, and what’s false?
It’s hard to say at this point, but there’s no doubt the media wants to demoralize Trump’s base and alienate them from the President. Starting rumors that Bannon was being excluded would be a good way to make Trump’s supporters angry.
An embattled Steve Bannon appears to be digging in against a storm of bad press suggesting he’s on his way out, sources familiar with the inner workings of the White House told NBC News.
The White House chief strategist “ain’t going anywhere,” sources close to him said.
Sometimes a seat position is just a seat position.
On Saturday, one source said Bannon’s message was this: “Democrats will never run the White House.”
The comment apparently refers to Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and senior economic adviser Gary Cohn, who are believed to be Bannon’s rivals for power. He has reportedly nicknamed them, the “West Wing Democrats.”
In an email to The New York Times, Trump spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders pushed back against reports of discontent in the White House. “Once again this is completely false story driven by people who want to distract from the success taking place in this administration,” she wrote.
More fake news? Who can believe that?
Bannon is believed to see himself as the protector of the president’s campaign promises, a kind of ideological compass. Sources said he wants to stay to keep “fighting for the president’s agenda.”
The moment Bannon leaves is the moment we know for a fact that the deep-state coup has succeeded.
But it appears that our previous worries may have been the result of yet another fake news story promulgated by the Jewish media.